Saturday, September 18, 2010

Send To Friend Sms For New Baby

I Principi del REIKI

The start of each new year is always an opportunity to ask so many new and good intentions but little by little the days, weeks or months go by, things change and all our good intentions are lost along the journey.

Usui tells us not to pursue the principles of good intentions but as principles to live day by day.

Just for today:

-do not get mad and do not worry
-think what you have good
-working honestly
-respect every living being
-thanks for all the gifts received

"Just for today" is an obvious reference to live the present, the here and now "without thinking of the past which has already expired or the future that has yet to happen.
This formula is great as it is much easier to keep a good purpose "only" for a day, and remember certainly easier than it is for a limited time as well.

The daily practice of self-Reiki treatment combined application of these 'exhortations to "help us gradually to cancel all the negative aspects of our lives.

Just for today do not get mad and do not worry
significant concerns pre-employment or "take care of something before its time" and have only to think this can get a sense of anxiety. Striving so we are looking to the future and we do not live on this!
A Zen saying states:
If there is no solution, because you get angry? If there is no solution, because you get angry?
The anger, the anger is a negative feeling at all that he can get in the way of us making impulsive and destructive act. The anger stems from wounds or from the feeling that someone is hurting. To relinquish it must acknowledge and affirm, set out with clarity and determination on their feelings, learn to protect their space, their lives and relationships. To renounce anger does not mean to forget or remove it, because then it would take away the body per esprimersi con disagi fisici. Il senso di questo principio è eliminare le cause della rabbia, riconoscendo chi o che cosa ci ferisce e agire di conseguenza, parlando, esprimendo ciò che si pensa e si sente. I modi per rinunciare alla rabbia sono il perdono, il lasciar andare e la comprensione: queste sono le qualità che si devono sviluppare attraverso Reiki.

SOLO per oggi pensa a ciò che hai di buono  
Quanti di noi quotidianamente pensano più facilmente alle cose positive e che abbiamo di buono piuttosto che non a tutte le sciagure o ai problemi? Anche in situazioni disperate si può trovare qualcosa di buono e saranno proprio these aspects that we will give back hope, confidence and above all to give light to our present.

today only works honestly
Khalil Gibran writes that work is love made visible. This principle points to the importance of being at peace with their conscience, to be fair and honest especially to yourself in whatever you do, the most important job is to build from day to day life. How you can have a healthy body and strong if the mind is full of deceit, lies and deception?! The work is a wonderful opportunity to make their own contribution to life, to show gratitude and gratitudine allo Spirito, per essere fieri e orgogliosi di se stessi quando si arriva ad un risultato.

SOLO per oggi rispetta ogni essere vivente
Per mantenere sano e forte il corpo lo si deve curare, nutrire un profondo rispetto e una profonda comprensione per le sue esigenze. Amore, cura, gratitudine, messi insieme formano la parola "Onorare". Onorare il padre e la madre per averci dato la vita significa onorare se stessi e la propria scelta di vivere. Onorare i maestri e gli anziani significa aprirsi con umiltà all'apprendimento e alla conoscenza e riconoscere il valore della saggezza e dell'esperienza. Onorare ogni forma di vita significa celebrare le lodi del Creatore and thank him for such a variety and magnificence of shapes and colors to thank yourself and be part of it. The world belongs to us, but you must have a deep sense of responsibility, you can not destroy without this action will backfire against us.

just for today thanks for all the gifts received
who does Reiki discovers the importance of saying thank you. Thank you for a moment that unites us to the universe. Every day the Spirit bestows His gifts to us in the form of air, water, love, sunsets, starry skies, seas and mountains, food and vital energy. Sometimes we forget to be alive, we forget all the love che abbiamo ricevuto, ci perdiamo nei meandri della sofferenza e dimentichiamo tutta la gioia che abbiamo provato nella nostra vita. Diventiamo duri e distaccati, freddi e disillusi. Ringraziare per i doni ricevuti ci rende nuovamente umani, lascia entrare in noi il calore della vita. 


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