More and more Italians that make use of alternative medicines to take care of your health. According to the Report 2010 Italy Eurispes in our country are more than 11 million citizens who choose to treat themselves with non-conventional medicines such as Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda.
Nevertheless, our country has not ratified the EU legislation in this area and for this, such as homeopathy, companies can not advertise their products and even place the package insert.
all Italian anomaly that is strongly denounced by the specialists. The bill under discussion in Parliament to regulate the sector does not satisfy the advocates of holistic medicine to the point that some of them decided propose a law of popular initiative to keep up with other European countries.
Silvia Lanzarotto interviewed Emanuel Celano, promoter of the initiative.
Nevertheless, our country has not ratified the EU legislation in this area and for this, such as homeopathy, companies can not advertise their products and even place the package insert.
all Italian anomaly that is strongly denounced by the specialists. The bill under discussion in Parliament to regulate the sector does not satisfy the advocates of holistic medicine to the point that some of them decided propose a law of popular initiative to keep up with other European countries.
Silvia Lanzarotto interviewed Emanuel Celano, promoter of the initiative.
QUESTION: What are legislative gaps that exist in our country on this non-conventional medicine and how these affect the operation of specialists in the field: interview hide Ecoradio sound bite
Source Ecorad
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