Monday, September 27, 2010

Motel Lease Agreements


Una vecchia leggenda Hindu said that there was a time in which all men were gods.

But they so abused their divinity that Brahma - Lord of the gods - he decided to deprive them of the divine power and to hide in a place where it was impossible to find.

The big problem was therefore to find a hiding place.

When the children were gathered in council to solve this dilemma, they proposed the following thing: "we will bury man's divinity on earth."

Brahma, however, replied: "No, not enough, because humans will dig and find himself."

Gods, then replied: "In If so, throw the Deity in the depths of the oceans. "

And again Brahma replied: "No. Because sooner or later man will explore the cavities of all the oceans and surely one day and find himself back on the surface. "

Gods children then concluded: "We do not know where to hide, because there seems to be on land or sea in any place that man can not reach a time."

And so Brahma said, "That's what we will do the Divinity of Man: The more I hide in his deep and secret, because it is the only place, where he will never occur to seek it. "

From that time - ends the legend - the man has made the circumnavigation of the Earth, exploring, climbing mountains, digging the ground and is surrounded by seas looking for something that is within him .


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