Saturday, September 18, 2010

Good Psychiatrist Baltimore

Mikao Usui e la Storia del Reiki

The stories about the life of Mikao Usui and the rediscovery of Reiki came from Takata (see below) to the students, transmitted orally have become so many legends that have arisen over the years but this is the most reliable history.

Mikao Usui (1865-1926)
Mikao Usui was born August 15, 1865 in the village of Taniai in Japan. Became interested in martial arts from 12 years and it soon became a great expert. Basically a form of Qi Gong known as Kiko, but it is said that he knew well Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, Gichin Funakoshi (founder of modern karate) and Jigoro Kano (founder of Judo).

mystical creature was not a fairy tale but a nice, friendly and completely normal human being, with his weaknesses and his strengths, like all of us.

was a skilled and respected man 's business and private secretary to a Japanese politician, Shinpei Goto and abroad, becoming well known and increasing thanks to his great culture' experience. Usui was a doctor in the strict sense, but the breadth of his culture made him recognize come tale a livello onorifico: era un grande esperto di filosofia, psicologia, teologia, aveva buone cognizioni di medicina e di pratiche di guarigione. 
Di natura assai versatile amava molto leggere e si dilettava di poesia. Era rinomato per il suo sorriso sulle labbra, ma in caso di difficoltà era anche abile a difendersi. Uomo assai attento, sotto molti punti di vista era un' anima estremamente virtuosa.

Nel 1914 divenne un monaco laico Tendai detto zaike ed un bel giorno sarebbe stato interrogato, da alcuni studenti, in merito alla possibilità di guarire con l’imposizione delle mani.

Secondo questa leggenda, Usui fu molto colpito dalla discussione e da quel momento turned his life searching for texts and scriptures on healing through the laying on of hands. Beginning for further investigation on the sacred scriptures, studied other religions, he visited many monasteries, even went abroad for further study but all these efforts, however, did not give him the answers you seek.

One day in Japan, after several years of research, he found the ancient scrolls written in Sanskrit and containing the sutra (Sanskrit: wire, rule) : it was the Buddha's teachings written 2500 years before and until then untranslated. In addition there were also sacred symbols.

Mikao Usui found in those writings the answer for so long looking for, how it was possible that work of healing through the laying on of hands.

Having found knowledge, Usui needed to implement it, making it active, he decided the case, according to legend, a sacred mountain to climb to meditate.

On the hill stood in front of him 21 stones, each day passed, he resolved to remove one. Spending time meditating, praying, fasting.

The twenty-first day - the story continues - after yet another solemn meditation, Mikao Usui saw a curious phenomenon in the sky appeared a bright light and fast moving. This light hit him just above la radice del naso e stordito ebbe un'esperienza di stato alterato di coscienza. Rivedendo i simboli sacri trovati durante le sue ricerche sentì di poterne cogliere in modo pieno il significato e percepì dentro di sé che la conoscenza intorno alla guarigione si era attivata.

Una volta ripreso da quell'esperienza straordinaria, corse giù dal monte sacro in preda all'entusiasmo e al desiderio di sperimentare quanto gli era stato rivelato.

Incespicò e si ferì leggermente un piede a causa di una pietra sporgente; impose con fiducia le mani sulla ferita e constatò che il sangue coagulò rapidamente e il dolore, con altrettanta rapidità svanì. Usui assaporò in questo modo la vibrazione dell'energia healing.

arrived hungry at an inn, ordered plenty of food because of hunger. The landlord, insight into the fast walker which he had undergone, he recommended to eat slowly and in moderation in order to gradually reaccustom food. Usui, however, even for reasons as "experimental" liked it and then put his hands to aid digestion.

The waitress who had served the meal was suffering from an abscess in a tooth and Usui, offers of help could be found in the young rapid improvement.

Healed also an abbot suffering from osteoarthritis in the knees, at the monastery where he was a guest, Mikao Usui was very satisfied after a few days and decided to devote ques'arte healing to those who would really need. He went so very uncomfortable in a neighborhood of the city of Kyoto with a strong desire to help the beggars to change their lives and heals the body and soul.

Having found a good effect on various ailments decided to share it with other people.
To raise awareness of Reiki and to make it accessible to the public, opened a clinic in Harajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo 1922. He conducted many seminars, many Reiki sessions. In the same year, in April, also founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Method of Organization) where he became the first president. Many people came to him and also lined up outside his home to be cured. In September 1923, the devastating Kanto earthquake devastated Tokyo. There were thousands of dead, wounded and sick. Dr. Usui, her heart full of pain, he began to treat the whole city in the many victims of the disaster. Soon, his clinic became too small so that, in February 1925, he moved out of town, in Nakano, where he built a new clinic. His fame soon spread throughout Japan and was invited to many cities. He received for his great merits, the government Kun San To award.
For the main purpose of the Usui Reiki was not only the healing of diseases, but rather the strengthening of all the talents natural available balance the mind, body health and hence the attainment of 'self-realization.
During his stay in Fukuyama became ill and died in his sixty years, the third stroke, 9 March 1926.
Regarding the spread of Reiki in the West, we need to encounter Usui with Chujiro Hayashi, a naval officer on leave.

Chujiro Hayashi (1879-1940)
was probably the latter to create a more functional for the Reiki treatment and the imposition of hands, organizing the three levels of initiation and to assess the opportunity to pay a price in exchange for Reiki. Mrs. Takata Hawayo Hayashi met in November 1936 to Hawaii, it was her when he moved here from California, the largest maker of the spread of Reiki in the West.

Hawayo Takata (1900-1980)
Mrs. Takata was born December 24, 1900, died in 1980 leaving 22 Reiki Masters. From these masters of the Western Reiki has its origins in less than 20 years and Reiki 'then spread throughout the world and' currently used by tens of millions of people.

Other pages devoted to Reiki:


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