Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
What Is The Average Markup From Wholesale?
Happy holidays and good start to 2011 campaign
Con l'augurio di non dover aspettare sempre le feste per essere migliori o l'arrivo del nuovo anno per fare dei progetti per la nostra vita.
Facciamo in modo che ogni giorno sia Natale, capodanno.... o lunedì ^_^
Un abbraccio Ilaria
Thursday, December 2, 2010
What To Write On Wedding Night
Institute of Health Safety non-conventional medicine and naturopathy courses
is controversy about natural medicines. Ready for the replication of the doctors in the campaign of the ISS: "As with all medications, it is right to worry about the misuse, but the incidence of adverse effects for the use of biological drugs is ridiculous. The Institute of Health to focus - rather - the dead to allopathic medicines "are yesterday the first agency launches new campaign on the ISS for the safety of natural medicine, sponsored by the National Centre for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion Institute of Health, which calls for great caution towards citizenship to drugs natural and organic. 400 would have adverse effects recorded in 8 years (2002 to 2009 inclusive, ed), including 3 fatalities. A few hours later, it is a real outcry from physicians of the organic sector-natural.
"I am saddened for those patients who have used natural products and have experienced serious side effects, but they are really amazed at this campaign ISS alarmist," commented Prof. Leonard Milani, MD, Vice President of 'AIOT, the Italian Association of Italian doctors Homotoxicology 4500 bringing together members of their physicians prescribe every day and that even non-conventional medicine and complementary, and Vice President of the International Physiological Medicine Adjustment. "Also because - continues Milani - are plenty of Italians in the hospital every day for the side effects of allopathic medicines and chemical synthesis. The source is authoritative: it said the same Silvio Garattini, today that attacks indiscriminately natural medicines for 400 adverse effects in 8 years (statement of Professor. Garattini Today at the Forum Health at the University of Milan, Doctor News 21/03/2006 source, ed). Garattini often just appeals to common sense, exposing the tendency to give in to a mindset that makes you forget farmacocentrica the importance of preventing diseases through the adoption of good habits. Well, homeopathic and antihomotoxic - drugs that are in effect in accordance with the European Directive on the matter - are just that, to make a proper prevention - concluded Milani - and their use should therefore be promoted by the ISS, rough and uncensored with campaigns like this that makes the lump, without the need for distinguishing ".
Paolo Roberti di Sarsina , Medical Director of the ASL of Bologna, a member of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine in London and in the last three-year mandate, the Expert Council of Non-Conventional Medicine Italian Institute of Health, said: " It 's just ridiculous to be called' very dangerous' drugs of natural origin, as stated yesterday with some superficiality press sources. I would add that the ISS has promoted many smart campaigns, such as proper and prudent use of antibiotics or the one against counterfeit drugs, but this drug seems very unconventional instrumental. I've collected in my 30 years of medical career more than 10,000 scientific papers published in international journals that confirm the effectiveness of these medicines thrown into panic 11 million Italians use conventional drugs due to adverse effects of 400 in 8 years likely to be poorly understood or of being manipulated by the usual suspects who have hatred in a different paradigm of health. are reports that 67,000 come each year to poison control centers, and third of these relate to poisoning - even serious - resulting from the intake of chemical drugs, because then - end of Sarsina Roberti - the ISS does not promote an information campaign featured these? "
" yet another ruling position. Rather, the authorities of health control - Alexander Pizzoccaro protest, President of GUNA Spa, a market leader in Italy in homeopathy - of the need to unlock the legislative situation of the market for medicines Homeopathic: We can not even write the directions on the packet and the dosage of the drugs despite the fact that since 2006 the EU Directive has asked Italy to catch up with other European countries: this is the very grave harm to patients Italian. And above all, stop these constant arguments against instrumental medicines from natural sources: do we leave to the specialists - Pizzoccaro ends - because a doctor knows what to prescribe, and if they decide to prescribe a remedy for his natural means that the patient is the most effective for that specific disease "are some 11 million Italians who choose alternative medicine, opting for the so-called gentle care. In 2000, the Eurispes had faced for the first time the subject of these drugs, noting that 10.6% of Italians relied for its health care solutions to such treatment. In just 10 years, supporters of homeopathic medicines have soared more than 8 percentage points from 10.6% in 2000 to 18.5% in 2010, says "Italy Report 2010" released last month by the Institute Eurispes. "Of all the recognized non-conventional medicine in our country, the growth of homeopathy is symbolic," the report reads: "a given - says the study - which compared to the population, reveals that the users are about 11,100,000 delle medicine non convenzionali nel nostro Paese". Nel 2007 la spesa per le cure con questa tipologia di medicinali è stata di circa 300 milioni di euro, e ha portato nelle casse dello Stato 40 milioni derivati dalle aliquote fiscali, mentre nel 2008 il mercato delle cure dolci è cresciuto di un'ulteriore 2%" (Fonte: EURISPES).
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Schools "recognition". We
Molti lettori ci scrivono per avere informazioni circa la validità dei titoli rilasciati da “Università” libere o popolari, e specialmente circa la validità dei titoli da esse rilasciati. Spiace dover rimarcare come, nella maggioranza dei casi, non venga esaurientemente chiarito such as those titles have no legal value, and neither can be considered useful for a future "recognition" legislation. Before being deceived by misleading advertising, we suggest you read the following carefully, and ask relevant forums and not in the schools of naturopathy, which have a vested interest in selling their courses, often at the expense of proper communication. The name "University" is reserved by law under Article 10, paragraph 1, of Decree 1 Oct. 1973, n. 580, entitled "Urgent measures for the University, converted with amendments into law November 30, 1973, No 766, to universities state and non state-approved securities with a legal issue. The article in question has, in fact, that "the names of universities, university, polytechnic, institute of higher education, can only be used by universities and state and non state-approved legal value securities issued under the provisions of the law ". Similarly, university degrees and academic qualifications are only those provided by law (identified primarily by the law March 13, 1958, No. 262, entitled "Provision and use of academic, professional, and similar", and In particular, Article 1, which aims to provide that "the academic qualifications of doctor honoris causa including the qualifications of a professional nature, the status of a lecturer may be conferred only in the manner and in the cases determined by law" and Article 1 of Law, on "Reform of university teaching, "November 19, 1990, No 341) and can be delivered in the manner and in the cases in the law itself, only by academic institutions and non-state authorized to issue securities with legal force (Article 2 of Law No 262/58 and Article 1 points 1. And 2. the RD on the "Consolidated Law on Higher Education, December 31 1933, no 1592). It 'goes without saying that the use and advertising for the institutions known as "academies", "Free University" or "People's Universities" constitutes a clear violation of the law and a deception of consumers when it comes to private institutions lack the necessary legal authorization, which can not issue diplomas nor other evidence which in any way abilitino pursuit of a new profession. There is, and it is absolutely undisputed that no school of naturopathy or alternative medicine has the required authorization to issue university degrees, much less to recognize new professions. In addition, the status of "Free University" that many schools give, is clearly in the light of the aforementioned provisions, a clear violation of the law. As for the People's Universities, for example, the People's University Avalon is a private association like any other, but that has followed the procedure for its recognition as a popular university, which confers • legal personality recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research (MIUR) • Subscriptions to National Research Institutions; • accreditation as a training body under the DM 177/2001. The People's University Avalon has also entered into reciprocal agreements with state universities. All this, beyond appearance bureaucratic, it has nothing to do with its recognition as a private University, so much so that it, like all other people's universities and cultural associations and research, is not subject to the provisions of the law on universities, has no organization of the universities, has a principal, a dean, an academic senate, a faculty board, does not issue licenses or certificates of graduation or credits valid within the university course . Just read the composition of the bodies found at the Association, to see how it is run by people completely outside of the university (a doctor, a former company manager and a retired part of the board of directors), unless it Consider that the status of students (!) university which boasts the vice president. Among its purposes and functions there is the issue of licenses are legally recognized, let alone the university level, it is clear that the meritorious and laudable purpose of these associations can not be confused with that of normal universities, although it could boast that they name, deceptively exploited by some scuole.Infatti, suggest you read on: http://www.cnupi.it/domande.html, the site of the National Confederation of Popular Italian universities, which sets out very clearly the characteristics, purposes, limitations and privileges legally recognized universities popular. Please read carefully and observe as clear in the legislative references to how popular the courses offered by universities are never equalized ipso facto to those universities authorized by the Ministry to carry out their duties. No school and no progress, as deceptively advertised or disciplines bionaturali in naturopathy or alternative medicine, issuing licenses legally valid, nor can provide training credit within a degree course recognized. It is always, in fact, simple statements with no legal value, and that it is inappropriate to envisage that they might possibly be recognized in some hypothetical future by law. Here is an excerpt very clearly on this matter, taken from the site in question: I am the president of an association or a training body, associating the CNUPI acquire ipso facto recognition of that issue at the end of my courses? Certainly not. And there is nothing that is more wrong (and dangerous) to think. We must analyze this aspect with a large dose of honesty, a good skill and much interest in protecting students members. The term "recognition of a course, or the other almost identical" accreditation of a course, "says it all and says nothing as it is extremely vague. Must be evaluated on a case by case basis, depending on the specific type of course. Meanwhile, you have to specify what and who defines what a view. In Italy the art. 33 of the Constitution establishes the freedom of teaching, however, regarding the legal value of degrees is a different matter and is full of distinctions and nuances that you need to know. Meanwhile recommend it to those who want to 'jump' in the field of education to study a priority due bei manuali: uno di legislazione scolastica e l’altro di legislazione universitaria. Conoscere bene la cornice normativa nella quale si opera prima ancora che preoccuparsi del ‘riconoscimento’ dei titoli è indice di serietà. Veniamo al dunque, facendo alcuni esempi: a. Corsi scolastici: è l’esame di stato che conferisce legalità al diploma di studio finale. Un attestato extra scolastico potrà costituire Credito Formativo Scolastico in conformità al deliberato del Collegio dei Docenti di quella classe di appartenenza del ragazzo. b. Corsi universitari: soltanto le Università statali o legalmente riconosciute possono rilasciare titoli accademici. Chi è esterno a queste strutture può stipulare conventions for certificates of courses 'outside' the official academic record which can be processed University Educational Credit, which will depend on the resolution of the Board of the undergraduate program. E 'can also cooperate with a university conclusion of a convention aimed at creating a Master's Degree or advanced training, will always be a regular Chancellor's announcement to give legal force to the title. It follows necessarily that a course of study (even if high quality) can not be defined master (nor as advertised) if it is not banned from a university president. (Note that no course organized by any school or adult education institute in Italy have that recognition) c. CME = Continuing Medical Education. The doctors in their professional need to acquire 'points' through an annual training. This type of teaching is to be credited for each course at the Ministry of Health. The accreditation process typically varies, if you are members of CNUPI you should contact the National Secretariat for assistance in the procedure. d. Training for school staff. Will be established by Ministerial Order 177/2000, under which the Ministry of Education gives some entities 'certificates' ability to organize these courses and provide certificates with full legal validity. The CNUPI is between them. This means that it, and it alone can organize such courses and provide certificates and not as its individual members, and these, so if you want to achieve this type of activity, they may apply to CNUPI to build their own project. The operating agreement with the CNUPI, therefore, can not be taken after completing the course, but, of necessity, long before this and arrange for all the details and bring them into line with the legislation. It should also be noted: the fact that the CNUPI enjoy the recognition of legal personality by a special law does not imply that the certificates issued by itself or its associates have legal value, or are 'recognized'. This recognition is a guarantee of quality in the eyes of the ministries and of the citizen, certainly facilitates the integration procedures in the training system, but does not enable some to derogate from the rules. In conclusion, once again invite those who are willing to undertake a course of studies in the field of naturopathy, counseling, or to inquire very carefully and not be fooled by misleading advertising or unfair, so widespread in the world of naturopathy profitable business.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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Clarity Massage Massage massotherapy
It 's a technique that can be used within aesthetic, therapeutic or sports and includes a large number of manual (touch, kneading, vibration, percussion, friction) .
E 'for excellence in basic massage that eventually, thanks to the professionalism and spirit selection and sorting of the massage, all other massages.
massage massotherapy exerts its action on large areas corpoee: circulatory and lymphatic system, connective tissue, muscular, system osteoarticular and nervous.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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Ki Massage Harmony
Ki Harmony "the joy on the skin "
Ki means "life energy" or internal energy, personnel of all living things. Harmony, English, means harmony.
Ki Harmony Massage & Wellness is a beauty face and body based on Chinese ancestral techniques, the use of innovative cosmetic products able to develop beta-endorphins in the treated skin and, therefore, feelings of joy and relaxation.
Ki Massage Harmony aims to harmonize energy and is a true e proprio trattamento di bellezza che partendo dall'aspetto energetico arriva a trattare tutto il corpo.
Il massaggio, che si sviluppa utilizzando i punti della medicina cinese, i meridiani energetici, massaggio e digitopressione, puo essere solo per il viso, solo corpo o viso e corpo insieme.
Monday, September 27, 2010
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Una vecchia leggenda Hindu said that there was a time in which all men were gods.
But they so abused their divinity that Brahma - Lord of the gods - he decided to deprive them of the divine power and to hide in a place where it was impossible to find.
The big problem was therefore to find a hiding place.
When the children were gathered in council to solve this dilemma, they proposed the following thing: "we will bury man's divinity on earth."
Brahma, however, replied: "No, not enough, because humans will dig and find himself."
Gods, then replied: "In If so, throw the Deity in the depths of the oceans. "
And again Brahma replied: "No. Because sooner or later man will explore the cavities of all the oceans and surely one day and find himself back on the surface. "
Gods children then concluded: "We do not know where to hide, because there seems to be on land or sea in any place that man can not reach a time."
And so Brahma said, "That's what we will do the Divinity of Man: The more I hide in his deep and secret, because it is the only place, where he will never occur to seek it. "
From that time - ends the legend - the man has made the circumnavigation of the Earth, exploring, climbing mountains, digging the ground and is surrounded by seas looking for something that is within him .
Una vecchia leggenda Hindu said that there was a time in which all men were gods.
But they so abused their divinity that Brahma - Lord of the gods - he decided to deprive them of the divine power and to hide in a place where it was impossible to find.
The big problem was therefore to find a hiding place.
When the children were gathered in council to solve this dilemma, they proposed the following thing: "we will bury man's divinity on earth."
Brahma, however, replied: "No, not enough, because humans will dig and find himself."
Gods, then replied: "In If so, throw the Deity in the depths of the oceans. "
And again Brahma replied: "No. Because sooner or later man will explore the cavities of all the oceans and surely one day and find himself back on the surface. "
Gods children then concluded: "We do not know where to hide, because there seems to be on land or sea in any place that man can not reach a time."
And so Brahma said, "That's what we will do the Divinity of Man: The more I hide in his deep and secret, because it is the only place, where he will never occur to seek it. "
From that time - ends the legend - the man has made the circumnavigation of the Earth, exploring, climbing mountains, digging the ground and is surrounded by seas looking for something that is within him .
Monday, September 20, 2010
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Change your thoughts e cambi il mondo
"The mind becomes a problem because you have allowed your thoughts get so deep inside you to completely forget the distance that exists between you and them. Have you forgotten that visitors who come and go. Always remember what remains: that is your nature, your Tao. Pay attention to what's wrong and never comes, just as the sky. Change the gestalt: do not focus on visitors, remain rooted in the host. "
- Osho -
Sunday, September 19, 2010
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It is aimed at people who can take full responsibility for themselves.
° Level Seminars
• Treatment • Self-treatment with the seven chakras
• Complete treatment or basic
Although nowadays Reiki complement the Allopathic medicine in many hospitals around the world is not and does not arise as an alternative to medical therapy, not a religion and does not require a specific belief.
Reiki is considered a valid and effective method of natural healing which aims to increase personal well-being of our state and help us acquire a positive attitude toward ourselves and life in general.
The term refers to the connection between "Rei" (Universal Energy, or Force of everything around us) and "Ki" (our personal energy).
Its origins are lost in Tibetan Buddhism and at the end of 1800 was rediscovered by Mikao Usui Japan.
Reiki is a way aware
contact with him,
It is aimed at people who can take full responsibility for themselves.
° Level Seminars
The Usui Reiki system provides three levels of learning, but since The Second Level there is a complete tool available to help with their lives and you can do to alleviate an acute or chronic pain, to relax or improve their physical balance and energy, three types of treatment:
• Treatment • Self-treatment with the seven chakras
• Complete treatment or basic
order to live a full life and we know our full potential, our limitations and all the unconscious mechanisms present in each us.
This ceremony is intended to give formal recognition to the responsibility that follows the "choice" that the person makes up himself.
The seminar will explain the theory of the chakras and taught simple exercises that will help the student to "see and recognize" their physical blocks, energy and emotional; active meditations will be practiced and static el 'students will receive the initiations for the opening energy channels through which flows the energy of Reiki.
This ceremony is intended to give formal recognition to the responsibility that follows the "choice" that the person makes up himself.
To get closer to Reiki there is no need feel bad, you just want to feel a bit 'better and become more aware of what are the natural mechanisms of our unconscious mind often bring us to live in a very harmonious, our days.
The seminar first level usually lasts two days and is open to anyone wishing to get closer to themselves.
Seminars are open to all those who already have at least the first level Reiki and wishes to repeat the experience of a seminar to exchange one of the treatments and go over the technique.
- Reiki treatments
- The principles of Reiki
- Mikao Usui and the history of Reiki
Saturday, September 18, 2010
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I Principi del REIKI
-do not get mad and do not worry
The start of each new year is always an opportunity to ask so many new and good intentions but little by little the days, weeks or months go by, things change and all our good intentions are lost along the journey.
Usui tells us not to pursue the principles of good intentions but as principles to live day by day.
Just for today:
-do not get mad and do not worry
-think what you have good
-working honestly
-respect every living being
-thanks for all the gifts received
"Just for today" is an obvious reference to live the present, the here and now "without thinking of the past which has already expired or the future that has yet to happen.
This formula is great as it is much easier to keep a good purpose "only" for a day, and remember certainly easier than it is for a limited time as well.
The daily practice of self-Reiki treatment combined application of these 'exhortations to "help us gradually to cancel all the negative aspects of our lives.
The daily practice of self-Reiki treatment combined application of these 'exhortations to "help us gradually to cancel all the negative aspects of our lives.
Just for today do not get mad and do not worry
significant concerns pre-employment or "take care of something before its time" and have only to think this can get a sense of anxiety. Striving so we are looking to the future and we do not live on this!
A Zen saying states:
If there is no solution, because you get angry? If there is no solution, because you get angry? The anger, the anger is a negative feeling at all that he can get in the way of us making impulsive and destructive act. The anger stems from wounds or from the feeling that someone is hurting. To relinquish it must acknowledge and affirm, set out with clarity and determination on their feelings, learn to protect their space, their lives and relationships. To renounce anger does not mean to forget or remove it, because then it would take away the body per esprimersi con disagi fisici. Il senso di questo principio è eliminare le cause della rabbia, riconoscendo chi o che cosa ci ferisce e agire di conseguenza, parlando, esprimendo ciò che si pensa e si sente. I modi per rinunciare alla rabbia sono il perdono, il lasciar andare e la comprensione: queste sono le qualità che si devono sviluppare attraverso Reiki.
SOLO per oggi pensa a ciò che hai di buono
Quanti di noi quotidianamente pensano più facilmente alle cose positive e che abbiamo di buono piuttosto che non a tutte le sciagure o ai problemi? Anche in situazioni disperate si può trovare qualcosa di buono e saranno proprio these aspects that we will give back hope, confidence and above all to give light to our present.
Quanti di noi quotidianamente pensano più facilmente alle cose positive e che abbiamo di buono piuttosto che non a tutte le sciagure o ai problemi? Anche in situazioni disperate si può trovare qualcosa di buono e saranno proprio these aspects that we will give back hope, confidence and above all to give light to our present.
today only works honestly
Khalil Gibran writes that work is love made visible. This principle points to the importance of being at peace with their conscience, to be fair and honest especially to yourself in whatever you do, the most important job is to build from day to day life. How you can have a healthy body and strong if the mind is full of deceit, lies and deception?! The work is a wonderful opportunity to make their own contribution to life, to show gratitude and gratitudine allo Spirito, per essere fieri e orgogliosi di se stessi quando si arriva ad un risultato.
SOLO per oggi rispetta ogni essere vivente
Per mantenere sano e forte il corpo lo si deve curare, nutrire un profondo rispetto e una profonda comprensione per le sue esigenze. Amore, cura, gratitudine, messi insieme formano la parola "Onorare". Onorare il padre e la madre per averci dato la vita significa onorare se stessi e la propria scelta di vivere. Onorare i maestri e gli anziani significa aprirsi con umiltà all'apprendimento e alla conoscenza e riconoscere il valore della saggezza e dell'esperienza. Onorare ogni forma di vita significa celebrare le lodi del Creatore and thank him for such a variety and magnificence of shapes and colors to thank yourself and be part of it. The world belongs to us, but you must have a deep sense of responsibility, you can not destroy without this action will backfire against us.
just for today thanks for all the gifts received
who does Reiki discovers the importance of saying thank you. Thank you for a moment that unites us to the universe. Every day the Spirit bestows His gifts to us in the form of air, water, love, sunsets, starry skies, seas and mountains, food and vital energy. Sometimes we forget to be alive, we forget all the love che abbiamo ricevuto, ci perdiamo nei meandri della sofferenza e dimentichiamo tutta la gioia che abbiamo provato nella nostra vita. Diventiamo duri e distaccati, freddi e disillusi. Ringraziare per i doni ricevuti ci rende nuovamente umani, lascia entrare in noi il calore della vita.
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Mikao Usui e la Storia del Reiki
The stories about the life of Mikao Usui and the rediscovery of Reiki came from Takata (see below) to the students, transmitted orally have become so many legends that have arisen over the years but this is the most reliable history.
mystical creature was not a fairy tale but a nice, friendly and completely normal human being, with his weaknesses and his strengths, like all of us.
was a skilled and respected man 's business and private secretary to a Japanese politician, Shinpei Goto and abroad, becoming well known and increasing thanks to his great culture' experience. Usui was a doctor in the strict sense, but the breadth of his culture made him recognize come tale a livello onorifico: era un grande esperto di filosofia, psicologia, teologia, aveva buone cognizioni di medicina e di pratiche di guarigione.
Having found a good effect on various ailments decided to share it with other people.
Mikao Usui (1865-1926)
Mikao Usui was born August 15, 1865 in the village of Taniai in Japan. Became interested in martial arts from 12 years and it soon became a great expert. Basically a form of Qi Gong known as Kiko, but it is said that he knew well Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, Gichin Funakoshi (founder of modern karate) and Jigoro Kano (founder of Judo).
Mikao Usui was born August 15, 1865 in the village of Taniai in Japan. Became interested in martial arts from 12 years and it soon became a great expert. Basically a form of Qi Gong known as Kiko, but it is said that he knew well Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, Gichin Funakoshi (founder of modern karate) and Jigoro Kano (founder of Judo).
mystical creature was not a fairy tale but a nice, friendly and completely normal human being, with his weaknesses and his strengths, like all of us.
was a skilled and respected man 's business and private secretary to a Japanese politician, Shinpei Goto and abroad, becoming well known and increasing thanks to his great culture' experience. Usui was a doctor in the strict sense, but the breadth of his culture made him recognize come tale a livello onorifico: era un grande esperto di filosofia, psicologia, teologia, aveva buone cognizioni di medicina e di pratiche di guarigione.
Di natura assai versatile amava molto leggere e si dilettava di poesia. Era rinomato per il suo sorriso sulle labbra, ma in caso di difficoltà era anche abile a difendersi. Uomo assai attento, sotto molti punti di vista era un' anima estremamente virtuosa.
Nel 1914 divenne un monaco laico Tendai detto zaike ed un bel giorno sarebbe stato interrogato, da alcuni studenti, in merito alla possibilità di guarire con l’imposizione delle mani.
Secondo questa leggenda, Usui fu molto colpito dalla discussione e da quel momento turned his life searching for texts and scriptures on healing through the laying on of hands. Beginning for further investigation on the sacred scriptures, studied other religions, he visited many monasteries, even went abroad for further study but all these efforts, however, did not give him the answers you seek.
One day in Japan, after several years of research, he found the ancient scrolls written in Sanskrit and containing the sutra (Sanskrit: wire, rule) : it was the Buddha's teachings written 2500 years before and until then untranslated. In addition there were also sacred symbols.
Mikao Usui found in those writings the answer for so long looking for, how it was possible that work of healing through the laying on of hands.
Having found knowledge, Usui needed to implement it, making it active, he decided the case, according to legend, a sacred mountain to climb to meditate.
Nel 1914 divenne un monaco laico Tendai detto zaike ed un bel giorno sarebbe stato interrogato, da alcuni studenti, in merito alla possibilità di guarire con l’imposizione delle mani.
Secondo questa leggenda, Usui fu molto colpito dalla discussione e da quel momento turned his life searching for texts and scriptures on healing through the laying on of hands. Beginning for further investigation on the sacred scriptures, studied other religions, he visited many monasteries, even went abroad for further study but all these efforts, however, did not give him the answers you seek.
One day in Japan, after several years of research, he found the ancient scrolls written in Sanskrit and containing the sutra (Sanskrit: wire, rule) : it was the Buddha's teachings written 2500 years before and until then untranslated. In addition there were also sacred symbols.
Mikao Usui found in those writings the answer for so long looking for, how it was possible that work of healing through the laying on of hands.
Having found knowledge, Usui needed to implement it, making it active, he decided the case, according to legend, a sacred mountain to climb to meditate.
On the hill stood in front of him 21 stones, each day passed, he resolved to remove one. Spending time meditating, praying, fasting.
The twenty-first day - the story continues - after yet another solemn meditation, Mikao Usui saw a curious phenomenon in the sky appeared a bright light and fast moving. This light hit him just above la radice del naso e stordito ebbe un'esperienza di stato alterato di coscienza. Rivedendo i simboli sacri trovati durante le sue ricerche sentì di poterne cogliere in modo pieno il significato e percepì dentro di sé che la conoscenza intorno alla guarigione si era attivata.
Una volta ripreso da quell'esperienza straordinaria, corse giù dal monte sacro in preda all'entusiasmo e al desiderio di sperimentare quanto gli era stato rivelato.
Incespicò e si ferì leggermente un piede a causa di una pietra sporgente; impose con fiducia le mani sulla ferita e constatò che il sangue coagulò rapidamente e il dolore, con altrettanta rapidità svanì. Usui assaporò in questo modo la vibrazione dell'energia healing.
arrived hungry at an inn, ordered plenty of food because of hunger. The landlord, insight into the fast walker which he had undergone, he recommended to eat slowly and in moderation in order to gradually reaccustom food. Usui, however, even for reasons as "experimental" liked it and then put his hands to aid digestion.
The waitress who had served the meal was suffering from an abscess in a tooth and Usui, offers of help could be found in the young rapid improvement.
Healed also an abbot suffering from osteoarthritis in the knees, at the monastery where he was a guest, Mikao Usui was very satisfied after a few days and decided to devote ques'arte healing to those who would really need. He went so very uncomfortable in a neighborhood of the city of Kyoto with a strong desire to help the beggars to change their lives and heals the body and soul.
The twenty-first day - the story continues - after yet another solemn meditation, Mikao Usui saw a curious phenomenon in the sky appeared a bright light and fast moving. This light hit him just above la radice del naso e stordito ebbe un'esperienza di stato alterato di coscienza. Rivedendo i simboli sacri trovati durante le sue ricerche sentì di poterne cogliere in modo pieno il significato e percepì dentro di sé che la conoscenza intorno alla guarigione si era attivata.
Una volta ripreso da quell'esperienza straordinaria, corse giù dal monte sacro in preda all'entusiasmo e al desiderio di sperimentare quanto gli era stato rivelato.
Incespicò e si ferì leggermente un piede a causa di una pietra sporgente; impose con fiducia le mani sulla ferita e constatò che il sangue coagulò rapidamente e il dolore, con altrettanta rapidità svanì. Usui assaporò in questo modo la vibrazione dell'energia healing.
arrived hungry at an inn, ordered plenty of food because of hunger. The landlord, insight into the fast walker which he had undergone, he recommended to eat slowly and in moderation in order to gradually reaccustom food. Usui, however, even for reasons as "experimental" liked it and then put his hands to aid digestion.
The waitress who had served the meal was suffering from an abscess in a tooth and Usui, offers of help could be found in the young rapid improvement.
Healed also an abbot suffering from osteoarthritis in the knees, at the monastery where he was a guest, Mikao Usui was very satisfied after a few days and decided to devote ques'arte healing to those who would really need. He went so very uncomfortable in a neighborhood of the city of Kyoto with a strong desire to help the beggars to change their lives and heals the body and soul.
Having found a good effect on various ailments decided to share it with other people.
To raise awareness of Reiki and to make it accessible to the public, opened a clinic in Harajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo 1922. He conducted many seminars, many Reiki sessions. In the same year, in April, also founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Method of Organization) where he became the first president. Many people came to him and also lined up outside his home to be cured. In September 1923, the devastating Kanto earthquake devastated Tokyo. There were thousands of dead, wounded and sick. Dr. Usui, her heart full of pain, he began to treat the whole city in the many victims of the disaster. Soon, his clinic became too small so that, in February 1925, he moved out of town, in Nakano, where he built a new clinic. His fame soon spread throughout Japan and was invited to many cities. He received for his great merits, the government Kun San To award.
For the main purpose of the Usui Reiki was not only the healing of diseases, but rather the strengthening of all the talents natural available balance the mind, body health and hence the attainment of 'self-realization.
During his stay in Fukuyama became ill and died in his sixty years, the third stroke, 9 March 1926.
Regarding the spread of Reiki in the West, we need to encounter Usui with Chujiro Hayashi, a naval officer on leave.
Chujiro Hayashi (1879-1940)
was probably the latter to create a more functional for the Reiki treatment and the imposition of hands, organizing the three levels of initiation and to assess the opportunity to pay a price in exchange for Reiki. Mrs. Takata Hawayo Hayashi met in November 1936 to Hawaii, it was her when he moved here from California, the largest maker of the spread of Reiki in the West.
Chujiro Hayashi (1879-1940)
was probably the latter to create a more functional for the Reiki treatment and the imposition of hands, organizing the three levels of initiation and to assess the opportunity to pay a price in exchange for Reiki. Mrs. Takata Hawayo Hayashi met in November 1936 to Hawaii, it was her when he moved here from California, the largest maker of the spread of Reiki in the West.
Hawayo Takata (1900-1980)
Mrs. Takata was born December 24, 1900, died in 1980 leaving 22 Reiki Masters. From these masters of the Western Reiki has its origins in less than 20 years and Reiki 'then spread throughout the world and' currently used by tens of millions of people.
Other pages devoted to Reiki:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Puppies Diarrheasiberian
L'albero degli amici
There people in our lives
that make us happy for the simple case
have crossed our path.
Some on the journey with us,
seeing many moons pass,
others just see them between each step.
and there are many types.
Sometimes each leaf of a tree
is one of our friends.
The first that come are our friend
Dad and our friend Mama,
that show us what life is.
After Brothers are friends,
with whom we share our space
so that they can flourish as we do.
know the whole family leaves
rispettiamoe that which we wish him well.
But fate presents in front of other friends,
who could not have crossed our path.
Many of them call them friends of the soul, the heart.
They are sincere, they are true.
know when we're not good,
know what makes us happy.
And sometimes one of these friends of the soul
is installed in our hearts
and then call it love.
Egli dà luce ai nostri occhi,
musica alle nostre labbra,
salti ai nostri piedi.
Ma ci sono anche quegli amici di passaggio,
talvolta una vacanza o un giorno o un’ora.
Essi collocano un sorriso nel nostro viso
per tutto il tempo che stiamo con loro.
Non possiamo dimenticare gli amici distanti,
quelli che stanno nelle punte dei rami
e che quando il vento soffia
always appear between a leaf and the next.
Time passes,
the summer is gone,
autumn approaches
and lose some of our leaves.
Some are born the summer after
and others last for many seasons.
But that leaves us happy
is that the leaves have fallen
continue to live with us,
alimentando le nostre radici con allegria.
Sono ricordi di momenti meravigliosi
di quando incrociarono il nostro cammino.
Ti auguro,
foglia del mio albero,
e prosperità.
Oggi e sempre……
Semplicemente perché
ogni persona che passa nella nostra vita è unica.
Sempre lascia un poco di sé
e prende un poco di noi.
Ci saranno quelli che prendono molto,
ma non ci sarà chi non lascia niente.
Questa è la maggiore responsabilità della Nostra Vita
e la prova evidente
che due anime
non si incontrano per caso.
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