Ok, now that we've explored the basic tools, we are going to create our first drawing.
Organize the work
Before mess in Illustrator there are things to prepare. Even in this case will set out the basic factors. Illustrator is full of features and funzioncine, there are a whole guide about it and would end in ten years: P I'm working with a
Jurassic CS3 because it passes the monastery, then certain things could be different ok?
First we go to the Window (Window) and ensure you have open:
- Layers (Layers)
- swatches (color palettes)
- Transparency
If we intend to work with a brush, but we can already open and hold them "still" nell'area di lavoro per averli sempre sotto mano.
Come in questo caso:
Come vedete, ho riunito tutto ciò che mi serve in un'unica finestruccia per avere tutto a portata di mano in maniera più rapida; in realtà utilizzo altri strumenti, ma quelli che uso di più li avvicino tutti per fare più in fretta a reperirli durante il disegno. Adesso analizziamo il funzionamento di ciascuno di queste linguette (o tab)
- Layers o Livelli . Come Photoshop, Illustrator funziona per livelli, ma nel caso di quest'ultimo sono indispensabili. I disegni Illustrator made it function as a sort of digital collage. Each object (shape or closed path) that we create is like a piece of colored paper cut out, together properly to other pieces of paper, create a figure.
For this reason the levels are becoming essential. E 'well accustomed to working with many levels . In the case of Photoshop so because each element on level is entirely independent and modifiable without affecting the other elements in the case of Illustrator as a matter of practicality. Each object is itself a matter that is on one level alone but, when we want to draw something above or below a given object is a real disaster if we drew 12 items in one level! There can therefore be used to create more and more levels (depending on the complexity of what we want to draw) and above are more levels, the more urgent the need to give them a name that makes us recognize what's above that level since. To create a layer just click the small icon at the bottom next to the trash (which clearly serves to remove a layer and all its contents)
Operation concrete levels:
![]() |
click to enlarge! |
is cleared to give us easier to draw on and, more importantly, become blocked. This means that we can not move it inadvertently. As you can see from the image there is a padlock on the left, which shows us that in fact the level is blocked. Also the following levels can be blocked simply by clicking the padlock in the box, and unlocked by doing the same. The template layer However it is good that there is always locked. Note: Locked layers can not be selected. So if I choose Edit -> Select All, Illustrator will select only the layers and copy only those released if select "Copy."
The order of layers
E 'essential that the levels are properly organized. Naturally they can be moved even later, but first think about what we do after is usually less stressful and gives an impression ordinate our work. (Illustrator program began as drawings ordered fact: better be too!)
understanding that I could choose from any Part of my design, I start with what is generally below levels than the other (in this case, behind it all is the grass if I had to leave before the Oval to draw the face and only then add the eyes, etc.)
So you think the overall view of the design and then mentally it is broken down into what is above and below it, just as if you were working on a collage, with the difference that digital technology allows us, working well with the levels of forever change what we do.
What goes under and over what? Simple: the object above all others will be higher. In the picture I posted just above, for example, what I draw on Level 8 cover ciò che c'è su Livello 4, che coprirà ciò che c'è su Livello 2.
Un appunto: i livelli possono essere bloccati o resi invisibili cliccando sul lucchetto o sull'occhio (entrambi a sinistra del livello)
Per selezionare tutti gli oggetti di un livello si clicca sul pallino a destra così:
Vi accorgete della selezione di tutti gli oggetti perchè si creano i tracciati attorno a ciascuno di essi.
Si possono anche selezionare più oggetti di più livelli tenuto premendo Ctrl e selezionando poi i pallini dei livelli desiderati. Ogni livello ha un colore tracciato diverso, clicking on each you can change the color of the track wanting to (for convenience or to avoid confusion between their levels)
now choose the color palette with which to draw.
In my case I will open a color palette that I created (even the color palettes can be imported from Photoshop! Easy, right?) But there are already many colors offered by Illustrator. And you can always edit the toolbar (fill handle and contour) at any time.
Scelgo il colore dell'erba in questo caso, mi posiziono su Livello 1 perchè so che sarà dietro tutti gli altri a livello grafico.
Bene, abbiamo scelto il nostro colore di riempimento ed eventualmente, contorno.
Abbiamo due possibilità: la precisione della penna o la morbidezza della mano libera. Nel caso dell'erba io decido di dare un look molto naturale e quindi uso la matita a mano libera.
Inizialmente potrebbe capitarvi che il tracciato "salti via" perchè dovete prenderci la mano, non fatevi prendere dal panico. Basta andare su Modifica - Annulla (Edit - Undo) to return to the previous design.
Maybe some of you may be wondering why I have not drawn in the middle of the tufts of grass. Well, there in front of our Little Red Riding Hood, which will cover everything. ;)
I usually do not get lost in drawing unnecessary things.
And if I chose the pen instead?
Nothing, I got something much more precise.
The pen works like this: click to click, point after point, we construct the image. The freehand pencil instead it so it works like a real pencil and treatment should be continued.
Exploring Transparency
We can change the transparency (if necessary) only when our object is selected. We have two choices: write by hand the percentage of transparency (or opacity) or by using the tab back and forth until you find the opacity of our taste.
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