over a month we receive news of rebellions that multiply and spread from Egypt, Tunisia, from Algeria to Yemen, Libya in Bahrain; it comes to large popular demonstrations against corrupt and despotic regimes, women and men, young and old / and ask for bread and freedom, dignity and justice, social equity and democratic participation.
How Women in Black anti-war feel the drama of the bloody repression that are leading to hundreds of victims in these countries: the powers are waging a violent war against real people defenseless.
The Iranian people, after thirty years of hard life under the repression Islamic theocratic government, with the action of peaceful Green Movement, calling for democracy. The government's response, however, was: bullets, prison, torture, death sentences.
The recent and terrible increase in death sentences and the creation of unjust courts, are causing every day the deaths of countless political prisoners or not. According to reports that have come from Iran, 1 to 27 January 2011 were carried out 106 death sentences, or an average of 20 performances a week, and many people are still in the list.
many months a group of courageous Iranian mothers protested demanding the abolition of the sentence capital, the release of political prisoners, the punishment of those responsible for crimes committed in the last thirty-one years. The mothers meet every week in Laleh Park in Tehran. (See their site in English http://www.madaraneparklale.org/p/about-us.html ). They are mourning mothers - mothers of the martyrs of the last 32 years. They do not close our eyes to the loss of their children and demand that the perpetrators and instigators of mass executions, executions of individuals, torture, violence, the assaults on houses as dormitories for students from year 80 to now be punished. In response, the regime has targeted, stopping and arresting several others, to suppress their demands for justice.
La rete delle Donne in Nero italiane da tempo conosce e sostiene questa lotta. Il 25 febbraio scorso, insieme a Amnesty International, ha partecipato a una conferenza stampa che si è tenuta nella Casa Internazionale delle Donne a Roma, in cui hanno intervenuto anche Luisa Morgantini, Sabri Najafi e Shirin Ebadi, premio Nobel per la pace 2003, donne che da sempre lottano per il rispetto dei diritti umani, malgrado i rischi che questo comporta.
Insieme alle madri di Laleh, chiediamo:
- La libertà per tutti i prigionieri politici e di coscienza e la fine di tutte le esecuzioni che dall'inizio dell'anno sono già più di 100!
- La fine delle esecuzioni che solo nel mese Gennaio e l’inizio del mese Febbraio 2011 erano più di 100 persone.
- L’abolizione della Pena di Morte.
Sosteniamo le lotte nonviolente delle madri di Park Laleh e della società civile iraniana; ci impegniamo a dare voce a queste donne e a far conoscere la situazione e il loro coraggio, completamente ignorati dai mezzi di comunicazione
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