Personally I find them beautiful:)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Can I Go Swimming With A Cervical Erosion
CMYK Project
4 Who are the heroes behind the project CMYK? Four professionals who have made known their generality and for now we will be content to call Mr Blue, Magenta, Mr. Blonde and Mr. Black.
What is the project?
These four professionals si mettono a disposizione degli illustratori emergenti per guardare il loro book e fornire preziosi consigli e indicazioni.
NON si prendono appuntamenti. Non ci sono orari e luoghi decisi in partenza.
I nostri quattro supereroi saranno in giro per la fiera, indossando una spilla e un badge per essere riconoscibili a chi vuole un consiglio per il proprio book.
Basterà quindi fermarli (naturalmente se non sono già impegnati con qualcun altro) e mostrare loro il frutto dei propri sforzi.
Saranno presenti per tutti i giorni di fiera (lode a loro! E' un bell'impegno prendersi carico di guardare tutti i lavori sottoposti!)
Bene! Non rimane che preparare a good book to Bologna (hoping to be well under way, because we are running out now!)
"No Book is left behind."
With the slogan that has the flavor of a promised land to the project CMYK Bologna Children Book Fair in 2011. 4 Who are the heroes behind the project CMYK? Four professionals who have made known their generality and for now we will be content to call Mr Blue, Magenta, Mr. Blonde and Mr. Black.
What is the project?
These four professionals si mettono a disposizione degli illustratori emergenti per guardare il loro book e fornire preziosi consigli e indicazioni.
NON si prendono appuntamenti. Non ci sono orari e luoghi decisi in partenza.
I nostri quattro supereroi saranno in giro per la fiera, indossando una spilla e un badge per essere riconoscibili a chi vuole un consiglio per il proprio book.
Basterà quindi fermarli (naturalmente se non sono già impegnati con qualcun altro) e mostrare loro il frutto dei propri sforzi.
Saranno presenti per tutti i giorni di fiera (lode a loro! E' un bell'impegno prendersi carico di guardare tutti i lavori sottoposti!)
Bene! Non rimane che preparare a good book to Bologna (hoping to be well under way, because we are running out now!)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Omeprazole How Long To Work?
The basis for super Illustrator Tutorial (Part Two)
Ok, now that we've explored the basic tools, we are going to create our first drawing.
Organize the work
Before mess in Illustrator there are things to prepare. Even in this case will set out the basic factors. Illustrator is full of features and funzioncine, there are a whole guide about it and would end in ten years: P I'm working with a
Jurassic CS3 because it passes the monastery, then certain things could be different ok?
I open my sketch becomes the first level (Level 0) double click on Layer 0 and the window opens that allows me to name it, choose the color and above all, very, very important, turn on "Template". What happens? Level 0 becomes the basis of our design, and as such:
Ok, now that we've explored the basic tools, we are going to create our first drawing.
Organize the work
Before mess in Illustrator there are things to prepare. Even in this case will set out the basic factors. Illustrator is full of features and funzioncine, there are a whole guide about it and would end in ten years: P I'm working with a
Jurassic CS3 because it passes the monastery, then certain things could be different ok?
First we go to the Window (Window) and ensure you have open:
- Layers (Layers)
- swatches (color palettes)
- Transparency
If we intend to work with a brush, but we can already open and hold them "still" nell'area di lavoro per averli sempre sotto mano.
Come in questo caso:
Come vedete, ho riunito tutto ciò che mi serve in un'unica finestruccia per avere tutto a portata di mano in maniera più rapida; in realtà utilizzo altri strumenti, ma quelli che uso di più li avvicino tutti per fare più in fretta a reperirli durante il disegno. Adesso analizziamo il funzionamento di ciascuno di queste linguette (o tab)
- Layers o Livelli . Come Photoshop, Illustrator funziona per livelli, ma nel caso di quest'ultimo sono indispensabili. I disegni Illustrator made it function as a sort of digital collage. Each object (shape or closed path) that we create is like a piece of colored paper cut out, together properly to other pieces of paper, create a figure.
For this reason the levels are becoming essential. E 'well accustomed to working with many levels . In the case of Photoshop so because each element on level is entirely independent and modifiable without affecting the other elements in the case of Illustrator as a matter of practicality. Each object is itself a matter that is on one level alone but, when we want to draw something above or below a given object is a real disaster if we drew 12 items in one level! There can therefore be used to create more and more levels (depending on the complexity of what we want to draw) and above are more levels, the more urgent the need to give them a name that makes us recognize what's above that level since. To create a layer just click the small icon at the bottom next to the trash (which clearly serves to remove a layer and all its contents)
Operation concrete levels:
![]() |
click to enlarge! |
is cleared to give us easier to draw on and, more importantly, become blocked. This means that we can not move it inadvertently. As you can see from the image there is a padlock on the left, which shows us that in fact the level is blocked. Also the following levels can be blocked simply by clicking the padlock in the box, and unlocked by doing the same. The template layer However it is good that there is always locked. Note: Locked layers can not be selected. So if I choose Edit -> Select All, Illustrator will select only the layers and copy only those released if select "Copy."
The order of layers
E 'essential that the levels are properly organized. Naturally they can be moved even later, but first think about what we do after is usually less stressful and gives an impression ordinate our work. (Illustrator program began as drawings ordered fact: better be too!)
understanding that I could choose from any Part of my design, I start with what is generally below levels than the other (in this case, behind it all is the grass if I had to leave before the Oval to draw the face and only then add the eyes, etc.)
So you think the overall view of the design and then mentally it is broken down into what is above and below it, just as if you were working on a collage, with the difference that digital technology allows us, working well with the levels of forever change what we do.
What goes under and over what? Simple: the object above all others will be higher. In the picture I posted just above, for example, what I draw on Level 8 cover ciò che c'è su Livello 4, che coprirà ciò che c'è su Livello 2.
Un appunto: i livelli possono essere bloccati o resi invisibili cliccando sul lucchetto o sull'occhio (entrambi a sinistra del livello)
Per selezionare tutti gli oggetti di un livello si clicca sul pallino a destra così:
Vi accorgete della selezione di tutti gli oggetti perchè si creano i tracciati attorno a ciascuno di essi.
Si possono anche selezionare più oggetti di più livelli tenuto premendo Ctrl e selezionando poi i pallini dei livelli desiderati. Ogni livello ha un colore tracciato diverso, clicking on each you can change the color of the track wanting to (for convenience or to avoid confusion between their levels)
now choose the color palette with which to draw.
In my case I will open a color palette that I created (even the color palettes can be imported from Photoshop! Easy, right?) But there are already many colors offered by Illustrator. And you can always edit the toolbar (fill handle and contour) at any time.
Scelgo il colore dell'erba in questo caso, mi posiziono su Livello 1 perchè so che sarà dietro tutti gli altri a livello grafico.
Bene, abbiamo scelto il nostro colore di riempimento ed eventualmente, contorno.
Abbiamo due possibilità: la precisione della penna o la morbidezza della mano libera. Nel caso dell'erba io decido di dare un look molto naturale e quindi uso la matita a mano libera.
Inizialmente potrebbe capitarvi che il tracciato "salti via" perchè dovete prenderci la mano, non fatevi prendere dal panico. Basta andare su Modifica - Annulla (Edit - Undo) to return to the previous design.
Maybe some of you may be wondering why I have not drawn in the middle of the tufts of grass. Well, there in front of our Little Red Riding Hood, which will cover everything. ;)
I usually do not get lost in drawing unnecessary things.
And if I chose the pen instead?
Nothing, I got something much more precise.
The pen works like this: click to click, point after point, we construct the image. The freehand pencil instead it so it works like a real pencil and treatment should be continued.
Exploring Transparency
We can change the transparency (if necessary) only when our object is selected. We have two choices: write by hand the percentage of transparency (or opacity) or by using the tab back and forth until you find the opacity of our taste.
Eczema On Dogs Back Legs
super basic Illustrator Tutorial
basic tools (Overview)
Overview of basic tools:
secondary instruments are:
Per quanto riguarda opacità (in alto a destra) si riferisce solo e soltanto all'oggetto selezionato (sotto: oggetto non selezionato e oggetto selezionato)
basic tools (Overview)
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click to enlarge! |
Overview of basic tools:
- start from the bottom, because the first thing to know is how we are designing.
filling and Stroke are the two cornerstones of the vector drawing. The arrow between one and the other allows one to interchange the colors of both. You can also choose to delete the outline or fill. In this way
- The pencil drawing freehand . Holding down the key opens a submenu. Also "Smooth" is very useful when you have a path as too blunt and irregular and you clean it up.
- The brush . It works best when the fill color is off (see above). In the drop-down menu at the top in the center (which I called Paint Style) can access the library brushes (which of course can be downloaded and continually add!)
- The pen used for drawing more accurate and to trace. (As we shall see later)
As with the object drawn by hand and all others, is subject to pen Fill and Stroke.
- Rubber. holding down the key leads to greatness for her.
- geometric shapes. hold to look at the other. As in Photoshop, to draw a regular shape or too narrow or too wide or high or low, while the track you must hold down Shift + Alt While holding, you choose the size to be given to the form. What is, however, modified at any time (Just like any other vector object! E 'its nice;)) by clicking on it and then selecting it, holding down Shift + Alt and dragging the handles to get the desired size.
secondary instruments are:
- The Magic Wand (same as Photoshop) Double-click the value of tolerance can decide to use to select different parts of the drawing with like colors or equal.
- Selection Tool (black arrow at top left) to select the object.
- Strumento Selezione diretta (freccina bianca a fianco di selezione) che permette anche di regolare la grandezza dell'oggetto.
- Contagocce - funziona come in Photoshop, ricordate però che contagocce preleva sia il riempimento che il contorno! Se prelevate colore da un oggetto di riempimento nero con contorno fuxia, verranno prelevati entrambi!
Per quanto riguarda opacità (in alto a destra) si riferisce solo e soltanto all'oggetto selezionato (sotto: oggetto non selezionato e oggetto selezionato)
Monday, March 7, 2011
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For freedom and justice. Against repression and the death penalty to
over a month we receive news of rebellions that multiply and spread from Egypt, Tunisia, from Algeria to Yemen, Libya in Bahrain; it comes to large popular demonstrations against corrupt and despotic regimes, women and men, young and old / and ask for bread and freedom, dignity and justice, social equity and democratic participation.
How Women in Black anti-war feel the drama of the bloody repression that are leading to hundreds of victims in these countries: the powers are waging a violent war against real people defenseless.
The Iranian people, after thirty years of hard life under the repression Islamic theocratic government, with the action of peaceful Green Movement, calling for democracy. The government's response, however, was: bullets, prison, torture, death sentences.
The recent and terrible increase in death sentences and the creation of unjust courts, are causing every day the deaths of countless political prisoners or not. According to reports that have come from Iran, 1 to 27 January 2011 were carried out 106 death sentences, or an average of 20 performances a week, and many people are still in the list.
many months a group of courageous Iranian mothers protested demanding the abolition of the sentence capital, the release of political prisoners, the punishment of those responsible for crimes committed in the last thirty-one years. The mothers meet every week in Laleh Park in Tehran. (See their site in English ). They are mourning mothers - mothers of the martyrs of the last 32 years. They do not close our eyes to the loss of their children and demand that the perpetrators and instigators of mass executions, executions of individuals, torture, violence, the assaults on houses as dormitories for students from year 80 to now be punished. In response, the regime has targeted, stopping and arresting several others, to suppress their demands for justice.
La rete delle Donne in Nero italiane da tempo conosce e sostiene questa lotta. Il 25 febbraio scorso, insieme a Amnesty International, ha partecipato a una conferenza stampa che si è tenuta nella Casa Internazionale delle Donne a Roma, in cui hanno intervenuto anche Luisa Morgantini, Sabri Najafi e Shirin Ebadi, premio Nobel per la pace 2003, donne che da sempre lottano per il rispetto dei diritti umani, malgrado i rischi che questo comporta.
Insieme alle madri di Laleh, chiediamo:
over a month we receive news of rebellions that multiply and spread from Egypt, Tunisia, from Algeria to Yemen, Libya in Bahrain; it comes to large popular demonstrations against corrupt and despotic regimes, women and men, young and old / and ask for bread and freedom, dignity and justice, social equity and democratic participation.
How Women in Black anti-war feel the drama of the bloody repression that are leading to hundreds of victims in these countries: the powers are waging a violent war against real people defenseless.
The Iranian people, after thirty years of hard life under the repression Islamic theocratic government, with the action of peaceful Green Movement, calling for democracy. The government's response, however, was: bullets, prison, torture, death sentences.
The recent and terrible increase in death sentences and the creation of unjust courts, are causing every day the deaths of countless political prisoners or not. According to reports that have come from Iran, 1 to 27 January 2011 were carried out 106 death sentences, or an average of 20 performances a week, and many people are still in the list.
many months a group of courageous Iranian mothers protested demanding the abolition of the sentence capital, the release of political prisoners, the punishment of those responsible for crimes committed in the last thirty-one years. The mothers meet every week in Laleh Park in Tehran. (See their site in English ). They are mourning mothers - mothers of the martyrs of the last 32 years. They do not close our eyes to the loss of their children and demand that the perpetrators and instigators of mass executions, executions of individuals, torture, violence, the assaults on houses as dormitories for students from year 80 to now be punished. In response, the regime has targeted, stopping and arresting several others, to suppress their demands for justice.
La rete delle Donne in Nero italiane da tempo conosce e sostiene questa lotta. Il 25 febbraio scorso, insieme a Amnesty International, ha partecipato a una conferenza stampa che si è tenuta nella Casa Internazionale delle Donne a Roma, in cui hanno intervenuto anche Luisa Morgantini, Sabri Najafi e Shirin Ebadi, premio Nobel per la pace 2003, donne che da sempre lottano per il rispetto dei diritti umani, malgrado i rischi che questo comporta.
Insieme alle madri di Laleh, chiediamo:
- La libertà per tutti i prigionieri politici e di coscienza e la fine di tutte le esecuzioni che dall'inizio dell'anno sono già più di 100!
- La fine delle esecuzioni che solo nel mese Gennaio e l’inizio del mese Febbraio 2011 erano più di 100 persone.
- L’abolizione della Pena di Morte.
Sosteniamo le lotte nonviolente delle madri di Park Laleh e della società civile iraniana; ci impegniamo a dare voce a queste donne e a far conoscere la situazione e il loro coraggio, completamente ignorati dai mezzi di comunicazione
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bladder Infection With Brown Discharge
Fiera di Bologna: a little 'program for this 2011 edition
Also on the blog newsletter of the Children's Book Fair Bologna:
Dear friends,
Count down to the 48th edition of Children's Book Fair: missing less than 40 days at the beginning of the event.
E 'can now consult on-line catalog of exhibitors who will participate in 2011 edition.
Also next March, do not miss the opportunity to meet the winners of the Award BolognaRagazzi, illustrators selected for the Illustrators Exhibition, authors and illustrators from Lithuania, the host country Children's Book Fair 2011.
Enjoy all the latest news that we have prepared for you. Happy reading
The editors of BCBFNewsline
Find out what's changing in the way of telling:
TOCBologna Sunday, March 27 at the conference on publishing children's digital
The first edition of TOC Bologna is scheduled for Sunday, March 27, the day before the opening of Children's Book Fair.
To address the challenges presented by new markets and new digital formats, TOCBologna offers a unique opportunity to explore the future of publishing: the perfect combination of different professionalism, for the publishing community and the world of technology, for the first time together to discuss and share ideas and opinions on new digital formats.
The day will include an intensive program, with presentations, case studies, demonstrations, panel discussions and workshop: registration is now open and entries are already very numerous, with more than 22 countries represented.
Country Guest of Honor: Lithuania
With a rich artistic and cultural program of initiatives at the fair in town, the host country will propose a trip to a country 's other Europe with the intention to represent the strength and vitality of the traditions and culture of a people to discover and plenty of surprises
Lithuania has an intense and unprecedented program, which offers different type of approach that reflected the recent years of Lithuanian history: the period leading up to independence day i.
See the catalog of the exhibit at the Children's Book 2011
The catalog of the 2011 Children's Book Fair is available on-line!
Essential for historians to find their own partners, to establish new contacts and interesting course to prepare the agenda work at the fair.
selected for the 2011 edition of Illustrators
The list of illustrators to participate in the new edition of Illustrators was published! (RDD : see article )
The international jury met in Bologna January 17 to 19 to evaluate and select the works to be exhibited. The judging panel this year are: Paul Canton, Carll Cneut, The uboslav Pal'o, Ellen Seip and Sophie Van Der Linden.
To learn more about these influential personalities, read their short biographies.
it is never too early to plan your stay in Bologna!
Do not miss the chance to organize your stay in Bologna to attend the Children's Book Fair. You can use our convenient and easy on-line booking.
BolognaRagazzi Award Winners 2011
BolognaRagazzi The Jury of Award, consisting of Eric Baker, Nathalie Beau and Faeti Antonio, met and selected the winners.
congratulate the publishers who participated by sending a selection of their most interesting books, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Award BolognaRagazzi 2011:
Éditions Milan - Toulouse, France, Fables, Fiction for
Changbi publishers - Paju, South Korea, A House Of The Mind: Maumere,
section for Non-Fiction
Cosac Naify - São Paulo, Brazil, Mil-folhas - História do ilustrada doce; New Horizons for Section
Éditions Memo - Nantes, France, Monsieur cent têtes; for section Debut
They also received a mention Éditions Magnier Thierry - Paris, France; Walker Books - London, United Kingdom; Dwie Siostry - Warsaw, Poland; SigongJunior - Seoul, Republic of Korea; Petra Ediciones - Zapopan, Mexico, La Joie De Lire - Geneva, Switzerland; Muchomor - Warsaw Poland and Gimpel Verlag - Hannover, Germany
Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2011
Back to Bologna dedicated the award to memory of the beloved Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, which promotes children's literature internationally. The winner of the 2011
dell'Astrid Lindgren Memorial Awad - the most important prize for literature for children and teens - will be announced Tuesday, March 29, 2011.
The prize will be awarded by the President of the Jury from Sweden and broadcast live to the Children's Book Fair!
The appointment is at 12:40 at the Cafe of Illustrators for the live link from the home of Astrid Lindgren in Vimmerby.
In 2011, 175 candidates from 62 countries: authors, illustrators, storytellers and all those actively involved in the promotion of reading can join the circle of winners. The award, which consists of about 470,000 euros, is awarded annually to one or more aspirants. Further information on the award are available at / en, which also offers the complete list of nominations.
Licensing Bologna Trade Fair
Over 45 confirmed exhibitors, 1000 square meters of exhibition, hundreds of properties, workshops, presentations, focus on distribution and European markets: discover the full program of the second edition of Bologna Licensing Trade Fair!
E 'can now book your participation in the workshops organized in collaboration with Licensing Italy provided 28 to 30 March at the Workshop Room (Hall 31).
We discuss counterfeiting with Price Waterhouse Coopers and research with CRA, made in Italy and exported abroad Lamborghini ArtiMarca Warm up with a style guide.
Registration is free, but the number of seats is limited.
Also on the blog newsletter of the Children's Book Fair Bologna:
Dear friends,
Count down to the 48th edition of Children's Book Fair: missing less than 40 days at the beginning of the event.
E 'can now consult on-line catalog of exhibitors who will participate in 2011 edition.
Also next March, do not miss the opportunity to meet the winners of the Award BolognaRagazzi, illustrators selected for the Illustrators Exhibition, authors and illustrators from Lithuania, the host country Children's Book Fair 2011.
Enjoy all the latest news that we have prepared for you. Happy reading
The editors of BCBFNewsline
Find out what's changing in the way of telling:
TOCBologna Sunday, March 27 at the conference on publishing children's digital
The first edition of TOC Bologna is scheduled for Sunday, March 27, the day before the opening of Children's Book Fair.
To address the challenges presented by new markets and new digital formats, TOCBologna offers a unique opportunity to explore the future of publishing: the perfect combination of different professionalism, for the publishing community and the world of technology, for the first time together to discuss and share ideas and opinions on new digital formats.
The day will include an intensive program, with presentations, case studies, demonstrations, panel discussions and workshop: registration is now open and entries are already very numerous, with more than 22 countries represented.
Country Guest of Honor: Lithuania
With a rich artistic and cultural program of initiatives at the fair in town, the host country will propose a trip to a country 's other Europe with the intention to represent the strength and vitality of the traditions and culture of a people to discover and plenty of surprises
Lithuania has an intense and unprecedented program, which offers different type of approach that reflected the recent years of Lithuanian history: the period leading up to independence day i.
See the catalog of the exhibit at the Children's Book 2011
The catalog of the 2011 Children's Book Fair is available on-line!
Essential for historians to find their own partners, to establish new contacts and interesting course to prepare the agenda work at the fair.
selected for the 2011 edition of Illustrators
The list of illustrators to participate in the new edition of Illustrators was published! (RDD : see article )
The international jury met in Bologna January 17 to 19 to evaluate and select the works to be exhibited. The judging panel this year are: Paul Canton, Carll Cneut, The uboslav Pal'o, Ellen Seip and Sophie Van Der Linden.
To learn more about these influential personalities, read their short biographies.
it is never too early to plan your stay in Bologna!
Do not miss the chance to organize your stay in Bologna to attend the Children's Book Fair. You can use our convenient and easy on-line booking.
BolognaRagazzi Award Winners 2011
BolognaRagazzi The Jury of Award, consisting of Eric Baker, Nathalie Beau and Faeti Antonio, met and selected the winners.
congratulate the publishers who participated by sending a selection of their most interesting books, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Award BolognaRagazzi 2011:
Éditions Milan - Toulouse, France, Fables, Fiction for
Changbi publishers - Paju, South Korea, A House Of The Mind: Maumere,
section for Non-Fiction
Cosac Naify - São Paulo, Brazil, Mil-folhas - História do ilustrada doce; New Horizons for Section
Éditions Memo - Nantes, France, Monsieur cent têtes; for section Debut
They also received a mention Éditions Magnier Thierry - Paris, France; Walker Books - London, United Kingdom; Dwie Siostry - Warsaw, Poland; SigongJunior - Seoul, Republic of Korea; Petra Ediciones - Zapopan, Mexico, La Joie De Lire - Geneva, Switzerland; Muchomor - Warsaw Poland and Gimpel Verlag - Hannover, Germany
Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2011
Back to Bologna dedicated the award to memory of the beloved Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, which promotes children's literature internationally. The winner of the 2011
dell'Astrid Lindgren Memorial Awad - the most important prize for literature for children and teens - will be announced Tuesday, March 29, 2011.
The prize will be awarded by the President of the Jury from Sweden and broadcast live to the Children's Book Fair!
The appointment is at 12:40 at the Cafe of Illustrators for the live link from the home of Astrid Lindgren in Vimmerby.
In 2011, 175 candidates from 62 countries: authors, illustrators, storytellers and all those actively involved in the promotion of reading can join the circle of winners. The award, which consists of about 470,000 euros, is awarded annually to one or more aspirants. Further information on the award are available at / en, which also offers the complete list of nominations.
Licensing Bologna Trade Fair
Over 45 confirmed exhibitors, 1000 square meters of exhibition, hundreds of properties, workshops, presentations, focus on distribution and European markets: discover the full program of the second edition of Bologna Licensing Trade Fair!
E 'can now book your participation in the workshops organized in collaboration with Licensing Italy provided 28 to 30 March at the Workshop Room (Hall 31).
We discuss counterfeiting with Price Waterhouse Coopers and research with CRA, made in Italy and exported abroad Lamborghini ArtiMarca Warm up with a style guide.
Registration is free, but the number of seats is limited.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Taking A Bath Good For Anemic?
No TAV Colonial
Black Women in adhering to the international campaign against the construction of a high-speed train that will connect Jerusalem and Tel Aviv which is involved in an Italian Pizzarotti.
A report released by the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel through their research project Who profits? , shows how the path of the train enters the occupied territories, resulting in further loss of land to the Palestinian community who can not even use it. The building where Pizzarotti takes part is illegal, since international law prohibits the occupant to use the resources of employment solely for the benefit of its citizens.
The decision to build in the occupied territories was not even necessary for the projects will achieve. As it says Dalit Baum, Recercare Coalition of Women for Peace:

Black Women in adhering to the international campaign against the construction of a high-speed train that will connect Jerusalem and Tel Aviv which is involved in an Italian Pizzarotti.
A report released by the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel through their research project Who profits? , shows how the path of the train enters the occupied territories, resulting in further loss of land to the Palestinian community who can not even use it. The building where Pizzarotti takes part is illegal, since international law prohibits the occupant to use the resources of employment solely for the benefit of its citizens.
The decision to build in the occupied territories was not even necessary for the projects will achieve. As it says Dalit Baum, Recercare Coalition of Women for Peace:
is significant, though not surprising, to discover that the Israeli planners it is easier to steal Palestinian land and running the risk of being prosecuted for violation of international law, rather than deal with the needs of Israeli citizens who would complain about the excessive proximity of the railroad to their homes or the devaluation of the property, or the worsening of air quality and the view from their windows. It seems that its internationally recognized borders of Israel are totally insignificant in the eyes of Israeli engineers, which can then cross them as soon as this is convenient or easier for their projects.
Appeals Pizzarotti From an interview with Jamal Jumma ', Stop the Wall Abu Fares, the Popular Committee of Beit Surik Abu Shadi, the Popular Committee of Beit Iksa Dalit Baum, Who Profits from the Occupation Hagit Ofran, Peace Now Massimo Rossi, Earth Wind | | |
Appeals Pizzarotti
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Men In Nappies And Plastic Pants
Introduction to mind mapping and conceptual learning
Mappe mentali e concettuali
View more presentations from Imparafacile .
Materiale didattico utilizzato durante il corso "Mappe mentali e concettuali" realizzato nell'Isola Imparafacile da Imparafacile Runo (aka Giovanni Dalla Bona)
Materiale didattico utilizzato durante il corso "Mappe mentali e concettuali" realizzato nell'Isola Imparafacile da Imparafacile Runo (aka Giovanni Dalla Bona)
Friday, February 18, 2011
How Long Does Erythromycin Take To Work
Area Authors: Roberto Ricci
illustrator, cartoonist and teacher. Roberto Ricci, born in 1976, Italian and now resides in Paris, where his merits were better recognized (as we all know, the Italian market is what it is, alas) with his sweet and talented middle Laura Iorio , we had also issued a ' interview recently.
Its perfect blend of traditional and digital, the choice of colors and craftsmanship in the use of lighting makes a professional to be taken as an example.
illustrator, cartoonist and teacher. Roberto Ricci, born in 1976, Italian and now resides in Paris, where his merits were better recognized (as we all know, the Italian market is what it is, alas) with his sweet and talented middle Laura Iorio , we had also issued a ' interview recently.
Its perfect blend of traditional and digital, the choice of colors and craftsmanship in the use of lighting makes a professional to be taken as an example.
![]() |
Highly recommended viewing for original size for the full enjoyment of all the meticulous details! His participation in the project Expo Scissorhands |
![]() |
Again ... vision of original Highly recommended! click:) |
Pinnacle 3010ix Problem
Workshop Thomas Gomez with the International School of Comics in Padua
The International School of Comics in Padua informs us that this interesting Workshop opens with Thomas Gomez.
If you have always dreamed of designing creatures and monsters that populate dreams, nightmares and visions ... could do for you! Here are all the information.
Thomas Gomez two days to teach you how to create imaginary creatures and monsters for comics, illustrations and cartoons.
Back to the home of Padua della Scuola Internazionale di Comics Tommaso Gomez, Project Director dell'industria marchigiana dell'animazione Rainbow Spa, produttrice delle famose serie televisive “Huntik Secret and Seekers” , “Monster Allergy”, “Tommy and Oscar” e "Winx".
Dopo il laboratorio di Environment concept design, tenuto l'anno scorso, questa è la volta del Creature Design, un workshop di due giornate sulle tecniche per disegnare mostri, creature dell'immaginario medievale, fantasy e animali bizzarri.
Sabato e domenica 26 - 27 Febbraio 2011 con orario 10:00-13:00 e 15:00-18:00, due giorni di full-immersion con lezioni di anatomia animale, studi e disegni per creating the profile of the creature, preliminary sketches from which to reach the development of the concept described in detail. Many manufacturing steps taught by an expert like Thomas Gomez, interspersed with presentations and pictures of examples from the literature.
A journey of learning open to anyone who wants to enrich their artistic background to experts who want to deepen the theme for aspiring designers who want to get in touch with the industry, or simply those who want to get acquainted with a professional said the Italian scenario of animation.
The International School of Comics in Padua informs us that this interesting Workshop opens with Thomas Gomez.
If you have always dreamed of designing creatures and monsters that populate dreams, nightmares and visions ... could do for you! Here are all the information.
Thomas Gomez two days to teach you how to create imaginary creatures and monsters for comics, illustrations and cartoons.
Back to the home of Padua della Scuola Internazionale di Comics Tommaso Gomez, Project Director dell'industria marchigiana dell'animazione Rainbow Spa, produttrice delle famose serie televisive “Huntik Secret and Seekers” , “Monster Allergy”, “Tommy and Oscar” e "Winx".
Dopo il laboratorio di Environment concept design, tenuto l'anno scorso, questa è la volta del Creature Design, un workshop di due giornate sulle tecniche per disegnare mostri, creature dell'immaginario medievale, fantasy e animali bizzarri.
Sabato e domenica 26 - 27 Febbraio 2011 con orario 10:00-13:00 e 15:00-18:00, due giorni di full-immersion con lezioni di anatomia animale, studi e disegni per creating the profile of the creature, preliminary sketches from which to reach the development of the concept described in detail. Many manufacturing steps taught by an expert like Thomas Gomez, interspersed with presentations and pictures of examples from the literature.
A journey of learning open to anyone who wants to enrich their artistic background to experts who want to deepen the theme for aspiring designers who want to get in touch with the industry, or simply those who want to get acquainted with a professional said the Italian scenario of animation.
What Do You Wear To An Event Banquet
alarm Women of Afghanistan: The Kabul government imposes its control on the houses
The Italian Coordination Support Afghan Women (CISDA) denounced the law promoted by the Council of Ministers of Afghanistan in January 2011 according to which within 45 days of its entry into force of the shelters for abused women will pass by the Afghan NGO management control of the Afghan Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA).
Il Decreto accoglie così una precedente decisione della Corte Suprema Afghana – l’organismo legislativo più oscurantista del paese – che ha dichiarato reato l’allontanamento delle donne da casa per rifugiarsi nei centri di accoglienza per donne maltrattate gestiti dalle Ong.
La decisione della Corte Suprema Afghana già limitava la possibilità delle donne vittime di violenza di appellarsi agli organismi giudiziari.
La legge prevede inoltre la chiusura di alcuni rifugi, l’accompagnamento delle donne da parte di un mahram (parente maschio o marito), l’insegnamento della religione islamica e l’obbligo per le donne accolte di sottoporsi a costanti “esami medici” per il monitoraggio della loro attività sessuale. Il governo afferma che la gestione da parte del MoWA garantirà una migliore gestione dei fondi e una migliore scelta dello staff interno.
Riteniamo che questa misura sia stata presa solo per compiacere i fondamentalisti e i Taliban, con cui si sono avviate delle trattative; così, i rifugi sono stati accusati di essere case di prostituzione e si è scelto di tenerli sotto controllo.
Questo avrà conseguenze disastrose per le donne vittime di violenza:
The Karzai government, established and actively supported the US-NATO military occupation, not distingue certo per il rispetto dei diritti umani:
E l’Italia?
Between 2001 and 2011 the Italian government has invested hundreds of millions of euro in the project of reconstruction of Afghan justice. We ask the Italian government and political forces that supported and still support the military intervention in Afghanistan to explain how the funds have been invested to rebuild the Afghan judicial system, since in recent years have been enacted laws that penalize heavily rather than promote, human rights and the rights of Afghan women.
CISDA INFO: cell. 3336868938
Account Number - Agency Via Melzo, 34 - Milan
IBAN: IT64U0501801600000000113666 - SWIFT: CCRTIT2T84A
Open Letter from the women of Afghanistan
The Italian Coordination Support Afghan Women (CISDA) denounced the law promoted by the Council of Ministers of Afghanistan in January 2011 according to which within 45 days of its entry into force of the shelters for abused women will pass by the Afghan NGO management control of the Afghan Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA).
Il Decreto accoglie così una precedente decisione della Corte Suprema Afghana – l’organismo legislativo più oscurantista del paese – che ha dichiarato reato l’allontanamento delle donne da casa per rifugiarsi nei centri di accoglienza per donne maltrattate gestiti dalle Ong.
La decisione della Corte Suprema Afghana già limitava la possibilità delle donne vittime di violenza di appellarsi agli organismi giudiziari.
La legge prevede inoltre la chiusura di alcuni rifugi, l’accompagnamento delle donne da parte di un mahram (parente maschio o marito), l’insegnamento della religione islamica e l’obbligo per le donne accolte di sottoporsi a costanti “esami medici” per il monitoraggio della loro attività sessuale. Il governo afferma che la gestione da parte del MoWA garantirà una migliore gestione dei fondi e una migliore scelta dello staff interno.
Riteniamo che questa misura sia stata presa solo per compiacere i fondamentalisti e i Taliban, con cui si sono avviate delle trattative; così, i rifugi sono stati accusati di essere case di prostituzione e si è scelto di tenerli sotto controllo.
Questo avrà conseguenze disastrose per le donne vittime di violenza:
- Nessun parente di sesso maschile, men che meno il marito, accompagnerà mai una donna maltrattata in un rifugio: nella maggior parte dei cases are themselves the architects of the violence from which women would escape.
- Rape in Afghanistan is a source of shame and rejection to the woman. If the medical examination proved that the woman was raped, once under the control of the government would pay the victim rather than accepted.
- If a woman flees a forced marriage because, once the refuge would be denounced by the government itself, because away from home is considered a crime.
- The girls sent home would be living in disgrace and exclusion, if not directly executed, as evidenced by several cases of stoning took place in different parts the country in recent months.
- If the family asked the woman to return home for any reason, including forced marriage, the staff of the shelter could not refuse. What's more, many of the women from shelters, are accused of adultery in their communities.
- Afghanistan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world: there is no guarantee on the control of any funds allocated by international agencies to assist women victims of violence.
The Karzai government, established and actively supported the US-NATO military occupation, not distingue certo per il rispetto dei diritti umani:
- nel marzo 2009 il governo Karzai ha firmato una legge intesa a colpire soprattutto le donne della comunità shiita: secondo questa legge, le donne non possono rifiutarsi di avere rapporti sessuali con il marito e non possono recarsi a lavoro, dal medico o a scuola senza il suo permesso.
- Nel marzo 2007, il governo Karzai aveva provveduto a garantire l’amnistia per tutti i crimini contro l’umanità commessi in Afghanistan negli ultimi vent’anni.
- Nel gennaio 2007 il giornalista Parwez Kambashkh era stato condannato a morte da un tribunale di Balkh, dopo esser stato accusato di blasfemia a causa delle sue idee sulla parità dei diritti delle donne. Benché Parwez, a seguito delle pressioni internazionali, venne graziato, altre decine di giornalisti versano nelle medesime condizioni.
- Nel luglio 2006, il governo Karzai ha reintrodotto il “Ministero per il Vizio e Virtù”, tristemente noto già sotto il regime Taleban.
- Le organizzazioni afghane che si battono per i Diritti Umani denunciano inoltre le continue pressioni da parte del governo per legalizzare il sistema di “giustizia informale” (tribale) all’interno del quale è prevista la lapidazione delle donne.
E l’Italia?
Between 2001 and 2011 the Italian government has invested hundreds of millions of euro in the project of reconstruction of Afghan justice. We ask the Italian government and political forces that supported and still support the military intervention in Afghanistan to explain how the funds have been invested to rebuild the Afghan judicial system, since in recent years have been enacted laws that penalize heavily rather than promote, human rights and the rights of Afghan women.
CISDA INFO: cell. 3336868938
Account Number - Agency Via Melzo, 34 - Milan
IBAN: IT64U0501801600000000113666 - SWIFT: CCRTIT2T84A
Open Letter from the women of Afghanistan
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Good Ideas For A Facebook Page
Area Authors: Felideus
is a digital artist who has nothing to envy to those who make traditional Felideus (born in 1977, English) was art director and graphic designer, animator, and is now a freelance illustrator.
Its atmosphere is unique, with a predilection for steampunk and warm and not overly saturated, often surreal.
His characters are very expressive and detailed minuziosamnete machines and landscapes.
By his own admission, Arthur Rackham is one of the authors who inspired him (and say little!). Thanks to Alessandra
for reporting. :)
![]() |
click to enlarge |
Its atmosphere is unique, with a predilection for steampunk and warm and not overly saturated, often surreal.
His characters are very expressive and detailed minuziosamnete machines and landscapes.
By his own admission, Arthur Rackham is one of the authors who inspired him (and say little!). Thanks to Alessandra
for reporting. :)
Brazilian Wax Celebs Gallery
International Competition of Illustration inspired by "Gulliver's Travels"
L'Accademia Pictor di Torino ci inoltra questo bando.
L'associazione culturale Accademia Pictor di Torino, ha organizzato un
Concorso Internazionale di Illustrazione ispirato ad "I viaggi di Gulliver"
rivolto ad aspiranti illustratori.
Il bando è scaricabile dal sito
ed ha il Patrocinio della Regione Piemonte, della Provincia di
Torino e del Comune di Torino.
L'Accademia Pictor di Torino ci inoltra questo bando.
L'associazione culturale Accademia Pictor di Torino, ha organizzato un
Concorso Internazionale di Illustrazione ispirato ad "I viaggi di Gulliver"
rivolto ad aspiranti illustratori.
Il bando è scaricabile dal sito
ed ha il Patrocinio della Regione Piemonte, della Provincia di
Torino e del Comune di Torino.
Is It Normal For Baby Heat Rash On Their Ears
Courses Illustration Fine Art Factory - Summer 2011
FineArt Factory we submit the program for courses in illustration 2011.
All courses will be held in Martina Franca (TA) from 8 August to 2 September 2011.
The inscription must be made before June 1, 2011.
the poster that the organizers have sent us all the details.
(Note: I personally try to follow the course of Gabriel Pacheco!:))
click to enlarge and read.
FineArt Factory we submit the program for courses in illustration 2011.
All courses will be held in Martina Franca (TA) from 8 August to 2 September 2011.
The inscription must be made before June 1, 2011.
the poster that the organizers have sent us all the details.
(Note: I personally try to follow the course of Gabriel Pacheco!:))
click to enlarge and read.
Click to enlarge and read all the details!
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