Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wooden Bird Mobile Flying Make

Storia dell'illustrazione: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway is an illustrator who has been part of the Golden Age (as Rackham, Dulac , Nielsen and many others) and did the history of illustration for children.
His books are still in print and offer magical moments for children around the world. She has even made out a prize, the Kate Greenaway Medal , established in 1955.
Kate Greenaway was medium-low social class, and her mother was a seamstress who designed and the models were often depicted in the illustrations of figlia.
Le scene bucoliche ricorrenti nelle immagini da lei disegnate sono invece riconducibili alle vacanze estive della sua famiglia nella campagna inglese, che amava molto.
A questo link sono visibili molti dei suoi libri illustrati, con tutto il fascino dei tempi passati.
Qui invece potete vedere delle cartoline (inizialmente infatti illustrĂ² cartoline e biglietti di auguri)


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