Sunday, January 23, 2011

Low, Hard Open Cervix

The Global Collaborative Glogster - One Voice, One Vision: Imagining Our World Through Music and Art

It 's really amazing how many meetings and surprises us, except for i social network. Piazza virtuale, luogo di incontro e di convergenza di esigenze ed interessi molteplici, strumento di comunicazione e collegamento a distanza, mezzo di crescita culturale e professionale....
Forse sono tutti questi fattori cha hanno favorito il mio ingresso in vari social network, tra cui Technology Integration Education , la community fondata da Greg Limperis , Technology Facilitator and Lab Instructor at Lawrence Public School in USA, allo scopo di facilitare lo scambio di esperienze e conoscenze a livello mondiale relativamente all'introduzione delle nuove tecnologie nella didattica. Spinta dal mio desiderio di ampliare le mie competenze e avendo usato in precedenza uno strumento di presentazione multimedia, Glogster, I joined the group he founded in this regard. For some time arose in me the idea for a project of international collaboration using Glogster. What I announced in that group. The response to my proposal went beyond my expectations. Many American teachers have shared my idea favorably. The stessso Greg spoke in its support, involving also the founders and leaders of Glogster. It 's so did the idea of \u200b\u200bglobal collaboration One Voice, One Vision: Imagining Our World Through Music and Art
The project has subsequently been recorded by me in the school community that works in which a group of Italian schools we are working on its implementation for the part to the Italian participation realit.
One Voice, One Vision: Imagining Our World Through Music and Art has its roots in the transformation processes taking place in our society. Economic globalization, advances in technology, the migration phenomena are increasingly demanding the ability to work on a global scale. The school as an institution that operates in conjunction with the wider social reality and as a place dedicated to civil and formation of the active citizen and conscious of the future can not remain indifferent to all this. There is a need to train students globally competent, able to communicate and interact with different people and cultures, able to think and act in a creative and innovative on issues of global significance.
A type of teaching / learning processes based on global collaboration, as what we are about to make, not only allows our students to acquire skills and knowledge at a wider range but also to develop skills critical global and what Tony Wagner, in his book The Global Achievement Gap identifies as the seven survival skills for 21 Century.


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