Monday, January 31, 2011

I Am Looking For H. 'blue Slivers'

Workshop imminenti!

Dei workshop molto allettanti stanno per cominciare e li segnalo prontamente.

Orecchio Publisher offers these immature :

  • 18-20 February 2011
    How to open a publishing house
The success of a publishing house is not only linked to the quality of publishing project and published books. There are many aspects that contribute to the success and survival of a publishing house: from promotion to the relationship with libraries and the network of sales, distribution, administration, the relationship with the authors to the press office. These aspects are common to all publishers but particularly delicate when it comes to children's books. During the workshop we will reason together on all these elements, tracing the basics. It will also seek together to answer the question: Will the child be considered a player or a consumer?
hours: Friday 17-19, Saturday and Sunday at 10-18

  • 25-27 February 2011
    object book
The workshop aims to be the occasion to dwell on the role of graphics in the book. Many topics will be covered: the relationship between the write printing words and images to the word used as a immagine. Più in generale si discuterà delle immagini e del loro utilizzo in funzione dell’amplificazione dei significati. Insieme si lavorerà sui segni, sui significati e sui percorsi narrativi. Si affronterà inoltre il percorso di un libro illustrato, dalla sua progettazione fino alla sua realizzazione. Il workshop sarà accompagnato da esercitazioni pratiche.
orari: venerdì ore 17-19, sabato e domenica ore 10-18
Per i costi e maggior informazioni rimando alla pagina che riporta i workshop .

La Scuola Holden propone:

  • T essere la trama di una fiaba
    Laboratorio Storytelling
    Turin, February - June 2011

invent a story is a bit 'as weave a canvas. And weave a canvas is a gesture that requires sensitivity, creativity, work, comparison with other people and a technique that can be learned.

This workshop is a small workshop in which it is proposed give a practical path for tools, tips and space to those who have the desire and purpose to write a fairy tale.
Four days of collective work, dedicated to focus on the deep structure delle fiabe, il reticolo dei suoi personaggi, le mappe dei luoghi e degli oggetti magici, le ragnatele dei suoi incantamenti e le tessiture di liberazione dei suoi protagonisti, il ritmo e il linguaggio immaginativo, simbolico e sintetico della narrazione fiabesca.
Durante il processo creativo esploreremo fiabe classiche e fiabe contemporanee, scrivendo, disegnando, ascoltando musica, sfogliando libri illustrati di fiabe di diversi paesi. 

Per partecipare al laboratorio 
È necessario inviare una cartella (circa 250 parole) con un’idea per una fiaba. 
Non ci sono selezioni, non ci sono valutazioni. This is simply a way to have a common starting point for everyone.
The development of the idea in a fairy tale will be made during the lab hours.
For complete info, refer to page .

Best Remedy For

Lista degli illustratori selezionati per la Mostra di Bologna 2011

As the title suggests, was published the list of illustrators selected for the Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Children's Book Fair.
can find it by clicking here.
A small personal note: the illustrators are under 80, and only 14 are Italian. I'm not a little 'bit?
Here is an article about Painters mice, where we are talking about sella selezione. :)
Grazie a Francesco per la segnalazione.

Foto di Lianne Harrison

Delirium Tremens Experiences

Introduction to Web 2.0 e-learning Master

E 'now completed the first module of the Master of e-learning dedicated to the theme of Web 2.0. The module, built by Federico Meschini seminar held by the researcher, has offered numerous incentives and pressures to think about.
How did we get to Web 2.0?
The following memo, mostratoci by Federico Meschini, allows us to trace the evolution from the computer that you think would be the Web in the future.

We can distinguish five stages:
the PC era
the year 1980-90 was a WEB years 1990-2000
the era of Web 2.0 years 2000 to 2010
the era of Web 3.0 years 2010 to 2020
the age of 4 years 2020-2030 WEB

What is WEB 2.0?
O'Reilly is explained in 'What is Web 2.0 article
The term Web 2.0 appears for the first time in 2004 in a conference between between O'Reilly e MediaLive International.
  Il concetto ha un significato molto vasto e sottende le trasformazioni subite dal WEB da semplice contenitore di informazioni a piattaforma applicativa condivisa, all’interno della quale le informazioni possono essere non solo distribuite ma anche create ed elaborate collettivamente.

Alcuni elementi caratterizzanti il WEB 2.0
‘User Generated Gontent’ (UGC) , il contenuto generato dagli utenti.
Gli utenti diventano protagonisti attivi del processo di creazione delle informazioni attraverso la creazione di blogs e l'utilizzo di strumenti che facilitano integration and sharing of even non-text content such as Flickr, Youtube, Slideshare .....

The famous cover of Time Magazine in December 2006: The Man of the Year 2007 is the user . The cover of Time was considered as the consecration of the centrality of user-generated content in the new web.
With the grid of a large amount of information comes the need to classify and make available online information. The user can create a taxonomy created based on individual criteria.
collaborative filtering.
The collaborative filtering is a system designed to predict the preferences of a user using the information gained in a collective way by all users of the system.
Social networking.
users have the ability to connect and exchange information resources

The web as a platform
ie the possibility to create websites that interact with users through procedures simple but powerful. Its starting point is a technology Ajax, which stands for for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ,

The evolution of new web tools has coincided with the development of sites from simple design and thought on the basis of immediacy of interaction, characterized by a sharp reduction in the number of graphics and content

Friday, January 28, 2011

Instructions Pearly Lariate

Fiera di Bologna: Entrare con biglietto ridotto.

Come forse già sapete, chi invia le 5 tavole a ottobre non paga l'ingresso (e diciamolo: tantissimi mandano le prime 5 tavole che hanno a disposizione per ottenere il pass gratuito!)
Cosa meno risaputa invece è che si può entrare con biglietto ridotto qualora non fossero state spedite le fatidiche 5 tavole alla Segreteria.
Dal sito ufficiale della fiera:

Gli illustratori who wish to visit the Children's Book Fair will receive a reduced day ticket (Euro 12.00 ) by sending a request via e-mail to the not later than February 26, 2011 . "The e-mail:

So there's less than a month to receive the reduction, remember!

Kate Gosselin In A Bathing Suit

Spazio Autori: Rachelle Anne Miller

loves younger children and their world and you see a mile away!
Rachelle Anne Miller , Canada, illustrates books for young children with a very special delicacy.
Despite using only Photoshop and uses pure colors for the gradients, its digital artworks have no Retype typical of many "digital only". They are clean, fresh, colorful and full of life. I particularly like how to draw animals.

Despite greatly simplifies the anatomy and strokes, the illustrations are rich in detail
and details that embellish the lights, locks, hatchings.

A wonderful choice of colors. Although not typical of a sunset make it real well?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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In this school year, continuing my involvement in the Master of e-learning at the ' University of Tuscia Viterbo in qualità di corsista del secondo anno. Come previsto dal regolamento,  in questi giorni siamo stati chiamati ad effettuare la scelta dell'indirizzo di specializzazione. Le mie preferenze sono cadute su "Learning Object".
Cosa fa il progettistista e sviluppatore di Learning Object?
Semplice!!!Si occupa della progettazione e realizzazione di Learning Object all'interno di un percorso di e-learning.
Che cosa sono i Learning Object?
Francesco Leonetti ci ha fornito abbondanti informazioni al riguardo, rimandandoci tra l'altro ai suoi materiali, come  Introduzione ai Learning Object  o Learning Object a scuola?
A learning object, in short, is a digital media resource to achieving specific educational goals. that facilitates the process of teaching / learning. They are self-consistent
, consisting of one or more assets;
modular combinable with other LO;
available thanks to the marking of the metadata;
reusable for their autonomy in different learning situations;
interoperable can run on different platforms of e-learning;

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The Global Collaborative Glogster - One Voice, One Vision: Imagining Our World Through Music and Art

It 's really amazing how many meetings and surprises us, except for i social network. Piazza virtuale, luogo di incontro e di convergenza di esigenze ed interessi molteplici, strumento di comunicazione e collegamento a distanza, mezzo di crescita culturale e professionale....
Forse sono tutti questi fattori cha hanno favorito il mio ingresso in vari social network, tra cui Technology Integration Education , la community fondata da Greg Limperis , Technology Facilitator and Lab Instructor at Lawrence Public School in USA, allo scopo di facilitare lo scambio di esperienze e conoscenze a livello mondiale relativamente all'introduzione delle nuove tecnologie nella didattica. Spinta dal mio desiderio di ampliare le mie competenze e avendo usato in precedenza uno strumento di presentazione multimedia, Glogster, I joined the group he founded in this regard. For some time arose in me the idea for a project of international collaboration using Glogster. What I announced in that group. The response to my proposal went beyond my expectations. Many American teachers have shared my idea favorably. The stessso Greg spoke in its support, involving also the founders and leaders of Glogster. It 's so did the idea of \u200b\u200bglobal collaboration One Voice, One Vision: Imagining Our World Through Music and Art
The project has subsequently been recorded by me in the school community that works in which a group of Italian schools we are working on its implementation for the part to the Italian participation realit.
One Voice, One Vision: Imagining Our World Through Music and Art has its roots in the transformation processes taking place in our society. Economic globalization, advances in technology, the migration phenomena are increasingly demanding the ability to work on a global scale. The school as an institution that operates in conjunction with the wider social reality and as a place dedicated to civil and formation of the active citizen and conscious of the future can not remain indifferent to all this. There is a need to train students globally competent, able to communicate and interact with different people and cultures, able to think and act in a creative and innovative on issues of global significance.
A type of teaching / learning processes based on global collaboration, as what we are about to make, not only allows our students to acquire skills and knowledge at a wider range but also to develop skills critical global and what Tony Wagner, in his book The Global Achievement Gap identifies as the seven survival skills for 21 Century.

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Switzerland 2012: The State will reimburse care with alternative medicine massage

From next year, for five years, with five non-conventional medical treatments will be reimbursed by health. Homeopathy, herbal medicine, neural therapy, anthroposophic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. The transitional period of five years' for a check on the satisfaction of the criteria of effectiveness, appropriateness and cheapness', so 'as required by federal law. The decision followed a 2009 referendum in which voters voted in favor of freedom 'of care.


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custom integrated

No person is equal to another and not There are two identical and behold, treatments or massages are customized using different techniques.

After a brief conversation you need to know the causes that led the person to contact me, know the lifestyle that leads to the kind of work that turns - for those who wonder what c 'I invite you to enter this thinking how the work we do has a key role on the posture that we assume for 4/6/8 hours a day and that over time we tend to take ownership and maintain- etc will move to the location of points focal and weak in body and then get to the massaging, acupressure, joint mobilization techniques of breath according to different areas the body in order to ease tensions and bring the person into a state of being.

are part of my training other holistic disciplines such as Shiatsu the reflexology and foot ' ear, the cranial sacral the moxibustion, the massage and insights of traditional Chinese medicine.

not know all these disciplines, but many have heard or know of acupuncture.

Well, the disciplines that I have listed above are based on the same principle and on the same points (meridians) Chinese acupuncture needles but instead have other forms and methods of use.

The Reflexology, for example, is based on an acupressure foot, ear, hand or on the principle that every organ has its corresponding point in other areas of the body, stressed, urging him to act on the organ itself react with an automatic response.

Nello Shiatsu , invece, si esercitano delle pressioni lungo dei meridiani allo scopo di stimolare i vari sistemi funzionali: circolatorio, ormonale, digestivo etc.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Leggere le illustrazioni - estratto da "Il filo del tempo" (2001)

Louis Paladin, Laura Pasinetti The thread of time between colors and yellowing pages. Illustrators and books for children and teens from the late nineteenth century to today, Roccafranca (BS), The Fellowship of the Press Massetti Rodella Publishers, 2001 .

read drawings
What is the picture, as we read, how to taste

When the mid-eighties in Italy spread the thought of Bruno Bottelheim through one of his major works, The Uses of Enchantment, there were those who, especially among teachers and librarians, took a critical view of the great educator-psychologist towards the use and meaning of illustraizoni in books for children.
The step, taken several times and subjected to different interpretations, is as follows:

"... children should be given the opportunity to slowly take possession of a fairy tale and an introduction by apposition of their associations . E 'for this reason, incidentally, that the illustrated story books, so daadulti favorite is both modern children do not serve the main needs of the child.
The illustrations help instead of being distracting. Studies on picture books for primary schools show that the illustrations distract from the learning process rather than facilitate it, why mislead the child's imagination the way he expresses the story on their own. The illustrated story is deprived of much of the content of personal meaning that could be made disopnibile applied only to the child that their visual associations rather than illustration. "

was a need for further surgery by the same author clear that critical reflection was restricted to a particular genre, fairy tales, and even more to the traditional fairy tales. Those born from oral tradition and popular, accompanied by troublesome alle illustrazioni e limiterebbero l'immaginazione autonoma e personale dei bambini.
L'intervento chiarificatore fa da premessa a una nuova raccolta de "Le favole di Federico" che riunisce dodici tra leprincipali opere ideate da Leo Lionni, geniale architetto che si dedicò con straordinaria passione alla realizzazione di libri illustrati per bambini.

  •   Perchè ai bambini piacciono tanto i libri illustrati? Che valore vi attribuiscono e quale fascino ne subiscono?

Rispondendo, definisce anche la sua posizione sui libri illustrati. Il saggio è concentrato di concetti, tutti diretti a sostenere con forza il valore delle illustrazioni in children's books:
"in a real book demonstrates how in a dream in the imagination of a child, the visual image is the primary and secondary text."
images are Leo Lionni stories with respect, tell the child things that have meaning for him. This not only stimulate the senses, but also suggests something deeper. Arricchisono his fantasy life and give greater meaning to his existence. "And then he continues:
" the images should be given the deeper meaning of the story . "

The current image that society relies on the code an iconic increasingly large part of responsibility in the dissemination of information, can not help but recognize the illustrations a specific and important role in trasmissinoe feelings, emotions, imagination.
The paradox is that this particular code is poorly studied, and little recognition in the publishing field, often used only as landscaping to increase sales.
The meaning and communicative function of the illustrations are not taught in school as you study the grammar of the written text, but too often in books by reading excerpts from the school books for children and teens are accompanied by other pictures, thus violating the original symbiosis between text and image. In this way the work is no longer such, being tampered with, it's like a king without clothes, a song that is removed the original music and added an improvised background.

But what an illustration? And as we read?
The illustration is a painting not a painting, it is rather similar to a cycle of frescoes, such as graffiti or as cave paintings of the great medieval churches.
The illustration should be considered a specific code of communication, as well as transmitting information, brings with it deep componenti emotive, affettive, così da coniugare il piacere dell'informazione a quello estetico.
Ma la sua più profonda specificità consiste nell'interagire con le altre illustrazioni che la precedono e che la seguono, e nel legarsi in simbiosi col testo . Le illustrazioni non sono serve del testo, ma parti essenziali di una comunicazione che appare completa solo se testo e illustrazioni sono presenti così come sono state pensate dall'autore e dall'illustratore.
A differenza di un quadro, la singola illustrazione non ha la pretesa di "racchiudere tutto" all'interno di un'unica cornice, ma rinvia sempre: ora al testo, ora a una successiva immagine, so that enriches and is enriched with meanings, new textures, and more detailed interpretations.
can be compared to a frame of a film. Again the individual images of a film you can observe and appreciate the rhythm of succession and are measured in relation to other codes that accompany them, verbal and musical.
The illustrations are in many ways: sometimes they are alone, without text, it is entirely left to the plot, which is apparent from a reading based on single items in the illustration (synchronic reading) and in the succession of illustrations by connecting a full path in the illustrations above with those that follow (diachronic reading) .
Sometimes the illustrations are living in symbiosis with the text, so that one can not live without the other, complementing each other in a game of mutual references.
It mostly works of authors, illustrators like Maurice Sendak, Leo Lionni, Nicoletta Costa, Pinin Carpi, Helme Heine, Eric Carle, Babette Cole, David McKee ...
Other times, the illustrations are entrusted with the task of enhancing some of the highlights of the work. In this case, the illustrations are flanked to the relevant text and are scattered throughout the book or in those parts of the plot that called for more action next illustrator.
The illustration is thus always a code of communication "in relationship" at times with the entire text, sometimes with some moments of the plot and sometimes only with the illustrations above and those below.
The most obvious consequence is that the message of the illustrations can be read and enjoyed all alone in that issue that has come to life. The illustrations ilbro live in, their frame is as white as the paper they were printed, they are designed for a specific book form.
Con i caratteri del testo si relazionano in un rapporto di interdipendenza, a volte spostandono i margini, altre volte lasciandoli invadere.
Strumenti docili in mano a specialisti che, attraverso macchine e varie tecniche di stampa, le impaginano e le riproducono in centinaia o migliaia di copie, la loro ricchezza sta nella molteplicità, nel potersi muovere, incontrare in ogni momento e in spazi diversi piccoli e grandi lettori.

Come leggere allora le illustrazioni?
Come un codice comunicativo che trasmette l'intenzione artistica e l'interpretazione dell'artista-illustratore, come un secondo livello di lettura, aaccanto a quella del testo scritto, with the specific modalities of the right hemisphere of our brain: originality, space, synthesis. A "Good" is not equivalent to a single illustration beautiful illustrations, it flattens the text, but creates creative and consistent references between one and another, between one and the text, between the writer and illustrator, including them and us, surprised and taken with the desire to return to see.
Al beyond the style and techniques that every illustrator uses, you can report that some elements in the reading of the illustrations should be taken into account in assessing work better illustrated

  1. The complementary text and illustrations , so it is natural to go from code written to that iconic, in a continuous reading and unobtrusively, because each fluid code fills in the gaps of the other. [...] The most significant example is represented by the case of Pinocchio, illustrated by the most and with which generations of illustrators have ventured. The reason for such attention is that Collodi eschews detailed descriptions of his characters, so that every illustrator in this field is open to express their creativity by filling in the gaps of the text. It can thus ammiraer exerted by the Cat and the Fox and realistic in the Cloisters, or those anthropomorphic Accornero.
  2. The evocative power of images, through the representation of elements of posture, facial expression, facial or context, allows us to capture the moods, feelings, experiences of the protagonists, the atmosphere and causing deep resonances the reader. A significant example is the Ibro "In the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.
  3. Essentiality, not simple or trivial, but the estrapolzione and the representation of the salient features, archetypal, the mental image that each of us has things , animals, living beings. Essentials such as synthesis, attribution of expressive power to a few central elements. Outstanding examples of this ability to synthesize data are expressed Iela Mari in "The Red Balloon," by Attilio in "Think and think again", by Altan in the "Books of Kika", by Bruno Angoletta in "The wonders of the white house" or Sergio Tofano in "The Adventures of Mr. Bonaventura."
  4. The ability to inspire a taste for beauty , for good form, the harmony of parts, which combine to create new and original summons and aesthetic emotions, without being never lost the specific communicative value. Think of all the works of Emanuele Luzzati, those of Kveta Pacovska, Lisbeth Zwerger, by Octavia Monaco.
  5. The choice of perspectives, points of view, the cuts, with details that enhance the communication without weighing it down. Department works illustrated were made by Mussino, Gustavino, Accornero, Innocenti, Sinop.

Perhaps the most pleasant reading, however, is to abandon the enchantment of the illustrated pages, without prejudices and stereotyped
evaluations, eg run time away from the pervasive media images, perhaps with parents, children or grandchildren.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Today I've a flowchart very nice, original and useful by Jessica HISCO .
I translated!
enlarge it by clicking on it. ;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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I am a student of the 21st century.

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What does literacy in the 21st century?

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21st Century Skills: The Next Steps

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21st Century Skills 21st Century Skills: What Do We Do?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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21st-century skills / Skills for the 21st century

in recent times is easy, especially when visiting sites and portals of American origin, to come across terms such as "21st-century skills", "21st-century learning" "21st-century education", "21st-century learners" ... How strange is this stuff?
Underlying these terms is the understanding that the educational institution, as we have known over the past 150 years, is an invention of the 19th century that must change to keep pace with the demands today's society. skills and goals that were instrumental in preparing students for work and life are in the industrial economy rethought and redesigned to make the people of this century, characterized by exponential growth of knowledge, globalization, technologizing.
Who decides the powers of the 21st century?
For this purpose it was created a body formed by Department of Education U.S. , the International Society for Technology in Education ( ISTE), Microsoft , Apple, Dell and Cisco called The Partnership of 21st Century Skills (P21) '

The P21 identifies six key elements in learning in the 21st century:
  • Emphasize Core Subjects
  • Emphasize learning skills
  • Use 21st century tools to Develop learning skills
  • Teach and learn in a 21st century context
  • Teach and learn 21st century content
  • Use 21st century assessments That measure 21st century skills.
Learning skills include: *

capacity information and communication ( media literacy, information culture and literacy) .
* thinking skills and problem-solving that include critical thinking and systems thinking , identification - problem formulation and solution , creativity and intellectual curiosity .
* interpersonal skills, quali
  •   flessibilità e adattabilità
  • senso di iniziativa e auto - direzione
  • competenze sociali e interculturali
  • produttività e responsabilità
  • leadership   
The tools of the 21st century are :
  • Technology information and communication between as a computer, Internet and other technologies
    audio, video and other media and strumenti multimediali

    contesto del 21 ° secolo può essere creato  
  • * Rendendo i contenuti pertinenti al la vita degli studenti '
         * Avvicinando il mondo in classe
         * Tenendo gli studenti nel mondo
         * Creando   opportunità per gli studenti di interagire tra loro , con gli insegnanti e con altri adulti competenti in autentiche esperienze di apprendimento.
I contenuti del 21 ° secolo comprendono :

     * consapevolezza globale
     * alfabetizzazione finanziaria , economica e business
     * cittadinanza
     * Health Literacy

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Airtel Telephone Directory For Mobile

Beyond books and blackboard Here's how Today we learn

An interesting article by Marco Rossi Doria published on Unity explores the theme of 'learning in today's society technology.

Only a part of the learning happens in school. It was always like that. But the school has had, for two hundred years, the monopoly of codes and methods of learning. But today all disciplines are available in a thousand forms and in all places. With the possibility to be readily manipulated, varied, confused, compare, expanded. The actual functioning of the human brain is called into question: the organization of memory, the simultaneous presence of many codes and devices that stimulate the different senses together, the coexistence of analog and logical procedures, immediate relationship between built and enjoyed the production, between speed and patience, etc. . Faced with this scenario, especially in high schools, the idea of \u200b\u200bschool founded on the primacy of transmissive method holds much less than in the past. Yet the government is proposing hourly organization and discipline that can contain almost only the broadcasting front, five hours at school with the prof that tells you how it is done its part of the world, decide what is important to you and how you learn and evaluate. With the addition, if any, of the three 'i' and a few interactive whiteboard. But can you really believe that this is the school able to compete with the complex interweaving between new media and safeguard the rigor of the method, including knowledge base and gradual acquisition of research procedures, including development of promotion of staff and the risk of subordination to gadgets? The whole debate in neuroscience about how we learn, the relationship between theory and operation, including models and laboratory, including individual learning and co-construction expertise with others, including foundational knowledge of the disciplines and knowledge designed to look at big problems in the world by multi-disciplinary fields of knowledge, complex, with large areas of link between knowledge, between certainty and doubt needed to win to do it: this is all that is left out of school by the idea that there comes from the government. But the few hours rigidly transmission system of government we can not answer just asking more hours or mere chair-defense organization. There is another way of learning that has taken the field. And with which teachers are measured for some time. It is from the seventies that the school comes to terms with what is "beyond the book and the chalkboard." It was television that brought us to teaching the "critical use" of the media, to read the many levels of messages and then produce their own images as measured by the connections between media use, creativity, content to know the actual manufacturers. The TV has forced us to toil daily to counter the growing anthropological failures in terms of content and relationship models, but also to change many forms of education. The network is pushing us to discover that it is possible to live together and blend of old and new media, you can restore a "space saved" for good and for the sanctity of the rituals and codes of the traditional means, as long as they are interwoven with new. Read newspapers and books to produce books or newspapers or other radio or video. Learning to recite poetry and plays well to make them playable then show, music, disrupting, or creating their own multimedia works addressing the challenges of text, images, music, editing and rhythm. Networking fatigue rigorous and creative writings of well-maintained and of artistic production, scientific experiments, which include manufacturing technologies. Thus, the condition of the teaching is by coming to terms with a revolution in the very idea of \u200b\u200btransmitting knowledge and skills to recognize. The reality of today learn how to fly well beyond the walls of the school cancels the time divided between 'at school and at home, "belies any notion of linear learning. You una cosa enorme. E noi ci sentiamo spaesati. E dobbiamo ammettere che siamo per lo meno restii a considerare possibile che Francesca o Carlo o Maraya stiano facendo i compiti di matematica mentre parlano al cellulare con un auricolare, ascoltando musica con l’altro, mentre inviano sms a ripetizione, guardano con la coda dell’occhio un canale tv magari in un’altra lingua, con il computer che è luogo di chat, ma al contempo di ricerca di formule matematiche atte a risolvere i quesiti del compito. E poco ci domandiamo: cos’altro, intanto, stanno imparando? Poi, però, comprendiamo mano mano che i nostri ragazzi - pur fragili su molti piani - sono immersi in processi di apprendimento ricchi, che procedono per salti, approssimazioni, consolidamenti, ritorni. Non è come abbiamo imparato noi. E, tuttavia, registriamo che c’è un forte bisogno di strumenti selettivi, interpretativi e regolativi che solo noi possiamo indicare e far valere, ma a condizione di stare a contatto col modo con cui i ragazzi stanno imparando. Così, alle molte nostre resistenze si vanno affiancando le disponibilità a provare forme nuove del nostro mestiere. Da trasmettitori di saperi ci stiamo facendo metodologi della loro selezione. Da detentori di un corpus di nozioni stabilite e rigidamente divise in discipline stiamo trasformandoci in esploratori e co-produttori di ricerca, sorveglianti di procedure, esperti dei rapporti mutanti tra forme e contenuti, tra acquisizioni e communications between different areas of knowledge and references that have common fields. To do this we discover that we are acting in at least three areas complement each other. First: to reconstruct otherwise references foundational disciplines and to rediscover the 'classic' in every area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. And the traditional media: the good book, vocabulary, notes, the atlas, the caliber, the china, watercolor. Second: share a curious browsing through the records online role-playing games, simulation programs, finding the knowledge economic, geographical, historical, legal, scientific and logical steps that contain or explore together the huge deposits of world literature or computer mathematics, Science, art and music. Third: to produce works in all fields, promote opera rehearsals, productions and create global trade. And all this is happening. And so many teachers break the link between rigid and deterministic control the information provided (the lesson) and information request (the test, the question) and enter into fruitful fields of research procedures: the development of projects and outputs, decoding and interpretation, analysis and attribution of meaning, the expression of personal opinions and supervised by legal procedures, validation of hypotheses and paths. It is a universe where we are learning while we teach. And that is in urgent need of a new school. Organization made up of fluid, airy, unpublished, based on freedom and direct responsibility of the teachers in action groups. NAPLES
October 27, 2010 published in National (page 40) in the "Culture

Hd Camera With Fast Autofocus

Gary Hayes' Social media count

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seconds Dishwashers Newcastle

Motivating Pupils through eTwinning

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bushnell® Trophy 1x32 Magnifier

Connectivism: A Theory of Personal Learning
View more presentations from Stephen Downes .

Wedding Program Wording In Spanish'

Connectivism Connectivism

Saturday, January 1, 2011

File Open In Another Program Vista Delete

These cards were sent to me by a friend of Romania, Cornel Lucian Duma, New Year's Day 2011. I put in my personal blog as a fellowship of our friendship

Thanks Duma for this beautiful cards

Shagband Colour Chart

Happy New Year Happy New Year Merry Christmas to everybody