Monday, June 28, 2010

Auto Immune Hepatitis Giving Blood

28 June 1940 - June 28, 2010

Outstanding among the squad

Seventy years ago in the skies of Tobruk died Italo Balbo

Il 28 giugno 1940, diciannovesimo giorno di guerra, abbattuto per errore dalla nostra contraerea, sui cieli di Tobruk moriva quarantaquattrenne Italo Balbo
A quindici anni, fuggendo di casa, aveva cercato di partecipare alla spedizione per liberare l'Albania dal controllo turco. Interventista, fu volontario nella Grande Guerra, prima tra gli alpini, poi nella pionieristica avazione con la quale liberò Feltre.
Tre volte decorato e promosso fino al grado di capitano, dopo la guerra, Balbo fu uno dei più temuti, seri, decisi, squadristi. A lui è dedicata la “ballata dello stoccafisso” degli Zetazeroalfa, in ricordo della sostituzione dei manganelli, prohibited by the Prefect of Ferrara, with mocking and effective dried fish.
During the years of civil war 1919-1921, Balbo and his
is brought to light in a systematic and triumphant conquest of space and social consensus in military operations against the gangs socialist and clerical, allied with each other throughout the period. Before attending Quadrumvirate by the head of the march on Rome, Balbo, again in 1922, had given birth to march on Ferrari with whom he had forced the landowners and the peasants and tenant farmers cooperatives to summarize that the alliance of white and red sturziani and the Socialists had thrown down the street.
hero of the skies, fly across the ocean twice, Balbo, Marshal of Italy, became poi il Governatore della Libia.
Sulla morte di Balbo causata da “fuoco amico” è fiorita una letteratura dietrologica, alimentata da ambienti savoiardi, che si è spinta a ipotizzare l'eliminazione del Maresciallo dell'Aria da parte dello stesso Mussolini. Gossip da rotocalco che fanno a pugni con tutto l'operato del Duce al quale non è mai stato possibile imputare non solo l'eliminazione di chicchessia ma neppure qualsivoglia ritorsione personale. In particolare per Balbo Mussolini nutriva poi un'ammirazione sconfinata. A causa del cordoglio espresso dalla Raf per la perdita del grande trasvolatore, cordoglio assolutamente comprensibile e in ordine con lo stile cavallersco degli aviatori fin dai tempi della Grande Guerra, and that would disappear after 1941, the anti-fascist propaganda has gone further. Without any evidence to support, he's ranting un'anglofilia Balbo was so unpopular that the Axis. Nothing
based course, even something totally contradictory with loyalty, honesty and courage of the hero. Moreover, the same operation of misinformation would be made later - and still is in place - on the same Mussolini. Even the Duce was in fact smuggled to Anglophile and has got about, "trusted" as repeated, as required by the technique of slander, of his desire for a separate peace with London in the summer of 1943.
In fact, reading historical documents and diaries of the protagonists of the time, you do not have difficulty proving that things were diametrically opposed, so Mussolini wanted a separate peace, but with Moscow in order to better fight the British in the Mediterranean.
The bullshit of "historiography" anti-fascist and Anglophile, whispered loudly, they break through and especially in those areas of the extreme right who are plagued by complex and seeking consideration of the lodges and entrature universe. They breach in West Africa, the upstarts, the petit bourgeois in search of nobilitazione.In It is after flies. And Zarathustra will never be a fly swatter. So it does not matter too soffermarvici.
E 'that already too, to remember a hero, we should point out that the slime in which it was wrapped in her memory, in order to recover the mediocrity of the most vile, do not drown.
Honour to Balbo, air hero, war hero, Quadrumvirate of March, between the super squad!

Gabriele Adinolfi-

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How To Do A Safe Brazillian Wax


Cave of SCANDALCINA: on the road to River Cave of

PODUBBO : It was not possible, difficult, recovery. "Little", 5 \\ 12 \\ 1945 redo that those who have fallen into the depths of 190 meters, have identified five bodies (including that of a naked woman) can not be identified due to decomposition.

Cave of Drench: According to Diego De Castro will be dead women, children at Semico dell'Osoppo

ABYSS: A survey of 1944 ascertained that the partisans of Tito, the previous September, had plunged into the abyss at Semico ( at lanischie), 190 meters deep, a hundred unfortunate: Italian soldiers and civilians, men and women, almost all still living at first tortured. Impossible to know the number of those at war furonogettati over, during and after the horrendous 1945. This was one of the many karst Foibe found suitable, with the approval of superiors, so-called people's courts, to consume various atrocities. The Cave swallowed indiscriminately anyone who had feelings Italians, had charges sustained or was simply an object of suspicion and rancor. For days people had heard screams coming from the abyss, the cries of surviving, because both detained by the rocks, and because it is made mad by despair. She prolonged the terrible agony, with relief, water dripping. The lawn for months kept the fingerprints of the trucks arrived here, heavy with their human cargo, loaded with no return ... " (Testimony of Bishop. Parentin - from "Julian's voice" on 16 \\ 12 \\ 1980).

Cave of OPICINA, COUNTRY AND Corgnale: infoibate were about two hundred people, and these may include a woman and a child, guilty of being a wife and son of a policeman ... "(G. Holzer, 1946).

Cave of SESANA E Orle: In 1946 infoibati bodies were recovered.

Cave of CASSEROVA: On the road to the river, and between Obrov Golazzo. precipitates were Germans, men and women, Italians, Slovenians, many still alive, then after throwing gasoline and grenades, the mouth was blown up. very difficult recoveries.

ABYSS OF SEMEZ: May 7, 1944 The remains are identified umani corrispondenti a ottanta, cento persone. Nel 1945 fu ancora "usato".

FOIBA DI GROPADA : Sono recuperate cinque salme. "... Il 12 Maggio 1945 furono fatte precipitare nel bosco di gropada trentaquattro persone, previa svestizione e colpo di rivoltella "alla nuca". Tra le ultime: Dora Ciok, Rodolfo Zuliani, Alberto Marega, Angelo Bisazzi, Luigi Zerial e Domenico Mari..."

FOIBA DI VILLA ORìZI : Nel mese di maggio del 1945, gli abitanti del circondario videro lunghe file di prigionieri, alcuni dei quali recitavano il Padre Nostro, scortati da partigiani armati di mitra, essere condotte verso la voragine. Le testimonianze sono concordi nell'indicare in circa duecento i prigionieri eliminati.

Cave of CERNOVIZZA (Pazin): According to the voices of the inhabitants of the district would be a hundred victims. The mouth of the Cave in the fall of 1945, was made to slide down.

Cave of Obrov (RIVER): E 'burial place of many Fiume, deported never to return.

Cave of RASP: Used as a place of genocide in 1943 that is Italian in 1945. Unknown number of victims.

Cave of BRESTOVIZZA: So tells the story of a infoibata the "Journal of Trieste on 14 \\ 08 \\ 1947:" ... the killers had brutally beaten, had their arms broken before scaraventala alive in the Cave. To three days, say the farmers, we heard the screams of poor, who lay wounded in terror, at the bottom of the cave ...".

Cave of ZAVNI (FOREST Tarnovo) Place of Martyrdom of the policemen of Gorizia and hundreds of other opponents of the regime of Tito Slovenes.

Cave of Gargano or PODGOMILA (Gorizia): Two miles north-west of gargling, at a bend on the road there is a shortcut to the village of Bjstej. At a hundred feet to the right of the shortcut there is a Cave. There were thrown about eighty people.

Cave of VINES: Recover from Harzarich Marshal since 16 \\ 10 \\ 1943 to 25 \\ 10 \\ 1943 fifty-one mortal remains valid. In this Cave, at the bottom of which water flows, the murdered after being tortured , were precipitated with a stone tied with a wire to the hands. They were then throw hand grenades inside. The only survivor, John Radeticchio, told the fact.

QUARRY OF BAUXITE GALLIGNANI: Recovered from 31 November 1943 to 8 December 1943 twenty-three bodies of which you are recognized.

Cave of Terlano Recover in November of 1943 corpses twenty-four recognized.

Cave of TREGHELIZZA: Recover in November 1943 two bodies recognized.

Cave of PUCICCHI: Restored in November of 1943, eleven bodies, four of which accepted.

Cave of Surana: Recover in November 1943 twenty-six corpses in twenty-one recognized.

FOIBA DI CREGLI : Recuperate nel Dicembre del 1943, otto salme, riconosciute.

FOIBA DI CERNIZZA : Recuperate nel dicembre del 1943 due salme, riconosciute.

FOIBA DI VESCOVADO : Scoperte sei salme di cui una identificata.

Altre foibe da cui non fu possibile eseguire il recupero nel periodo 1943 - 1945.
- FOIBA DI COCEVIE a 70 chilometri a sud-ovest da lubiana.
- FOIBA BERTARELLI (pinguente) - Qui gli abitanti vedevano ogni sera passare colonne di prigionieri ma non ne vedevano mai il ritorno.
Odolini Cave of Near-Kiss on the road to Mattera, in the bottom of Marenzi.
- Near Cave of BECA little thing.
- Cave of Castelnuovo d'Istria were then riadoperate - read the report of the cln - the Istrian foibe, already used in October 1943. "
- Cave of SEPEC (Rozzano)

statements made by Leander Cunja, responsible for the commission to investigate the sinkholes of Koper, appointed by the executive council of the municipal assembly Koper:

" ... there are one hundred and sixteen cavities in Koper, the eighty-cavity with vertical input we have verified that contained nineteen human remains. For ten cavities were taken 55 human bodies that have been sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana. The area is said to have ended in Cave, dala from the area of \u200b\u200bS. Servolo, Placido Sansi. Civilians infoibati came from the land of St. Dorligo Valley.
I Koper, in fact, were taken to be deported and killed, the interior, to Buzet. The Foibe of Koper were used after the war as a dumping ground for various industries, including a sausage factory in the area ... "

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wedding Getdecorating

Daje BLUE!




Friday, June 18, 2010

Do Sales Tax Is Levied On Software

Diaries of Mussolini? SPLUGA ARE IN THE VALLEY: Delivered former Italian consul in Berlin, "available in the 2025" Italian and American History

(Pier Paolo Gratton)

UDINE - Part of the diaries of Mussolini and last letters Written by Duce Milan shortly before leaving for Switzerland and being captured by partisans in Dongo, 'rest' in Spluga valley, not far from the Swiss border, locked in a box of zinc. This was revealed today Ansa Italian consul and the son of former Secretary of the beam in Berlin, Guglielmo Della Morte, which in those days was called by the Duce "from which he received a bag of documents sealed with a padlock with a commitment not to open until after 2025 ".

True or false? Admittedly still a hoax on the diaries of Mussolini after the controversy raised some years ago by the 'bibliophile' Marcello Dell'Utri? This time it seems that it's all true and documented, especially for the caliber of people involved. William of Death (Milan 1902-1961), in fact, was a leading figure of the regime and career diplomat. After working in a 'shop', antiquarian, in Milan, already joined in the twenties of Death to Fascism and embarked on a diplomatic career that took him over the years in Kassel, Breslaw Moulhouse, Saarbruken and, indeed, in Berlin where she had close contacts with the upper echelons of the Third Reich. He left Germany after the September 8, 1943 and moved to the Valley of Campodolcino Spluga where the family had a villa. In the frantic days of April 1945 was "summoned" to Milan, where, in fact, received a grant from the Duce, closed with a padlock marked BM, with secret documents and a sum in Swiss francs.

"Il Duce - reported today by the son of a diplomat - invited him to hide and make public the contents are not before 2025". Why the demand? "If they were just money - continues today, the heir of the former consul in Berlin - that required 'time' would make no sense. AND 'logical to assume that the Duce in that bag-suitcase had hidden some important documents, even copies of some letters sent to Western leaders to 'deal' on the run, or a copy of his diaries, or other documents of particular importance. I mean material that could endanger other people. Hence the request to keep the secret for 80 years canonical ". The son of William Della Morte, who lives in Friuli, he decided to speak today because he is already ahead with glianni. "And I would keep faith with the request of the Duce and rivelatomi secrecy by my father when I was 18 years, June 18, 1954. I made a visit in recent years and have found that the purse-bag, protected by a deposit of zinc, is still there, in Spluga valley, not far from the border with Switzerland. I feel bound to their word from my father. The procedure for opening and publishing documents, however, has already been defined. "Guglielmo Della Morte, who married Brigitte von Plotho in Germany (Darmstadt 1916-Milan 1958), was the object in the immediate aftermath of an attack that nearly not cost him his life. The two bombers were identified but were able to take advantage of the amnesty period required by the Keeper, Palmiro Togliatti.


The diaries of Mussolini found in Vallespluga

are back once again to light the last wishes of Benito Mussolini. A reveal is the son of William Della Morte, the Italian consul in the days when the Duce was captured by partisans in Dongo

Udine - are back once again to light the last wishes of Benito Mussolini. And perhaps the secret pages of his diaries. A revelation was the son of William Della Morte, the Italian consul at the time when Mussolini was captured by partisans in Dongo.

The will of Mussolini The last will of the Duce - possibly part of his diaries - are kept in Spluga valley, not far from the border with Switzerland. This was revealed to 'Ansa was the son of William Della Morte, former Italian consul in Berlin, which was convened by the Duce, in Milan, a few hours before it was captured by partisans in Dongo. "My father received a sealed bag - he told the man - with the promise not to open before 2025. It 'obvious that can only contain letters and other material of great historical significance." The man, who lives in Friuli, he clarified that the folder is locked in a cassetta di zinco. "Il contenuto si è quindi preservato".