Rome, November 26 - (Adnkronos) - In the elections for the Provincial Student of Rome, which took place this morning Itis Galilei Via Conte Verde, Block Student got 98 votes out of 351. Four directors are elected, while 28% of the total preferences, Block, said in a note, "is in fact almost 50 thousand of 170 thousand students enrolled in institutions of Rome and province." "Today is a historic day-Francis said the Poles, the national coordinator of the Student-Block. We have doubled the votes of two years ago and we have confirmed as the first student movement of capital. " "For the president to obtain due to the 169 votes cast, was the list 'Change Channels, formed by all members of the Left, the Democratic Party at UDS, the Young Communist League to the collective. Only 54 votes and 2 directors elected for the list 'our consultation, consisting of Student Action (PDL). Was last with 31 votes and an adviser to the list 'odd man out, seemingly apolitical but within which are actually living together student protests (Forza Nuova) and other far-right groups, "says Block. "Although the presidency has gone to the left, we will do everything to make them searchable by an ineffective and almost unknown in an institution capable of representing instances of student-ensures Zattini Alexander, candidate for President of the Block and New Student consigliere eletto – La grande affermazione del Blocco Studentesco è una forte risposta a chi ne auspicava il declino». «Noi da soli abbiamo raccolto più consensi di Azione Studentesca e di tutta l’estrema destra messi insieme. Se pensiamo che il risultato della sinistra va diviso per 5 o 6 movimenti diversi, la nostra affermazione assume ancora maggiore significato. Se qualcuno invece di ragionare esclusivamente per interessi di piccolo cabotaggio avesse accettato di collaborare con il Blocco Studentesco, forse oggi la sinistra antifascista non canterebbe vittoria», ha concluso Polacchi. Questo l’elenco dei risultati elettorali: – 98 voti Lista ‘Giovinezza al Poterè, Blocco Studentesco – 4 consiglieri - 54 votes List 'our consultation, Student Action - 2 Councillors - 30 votes List' odd man out, student protests and other far-right groups - 1 Councillor - 169 votes List 'change channels, Pd, Qty, Young Communist League, collectives, students Independent - 7 + advisers the president (zla / Pn / Adnkronos)