Saturday, December 19, 2009

Frequent Flyer Comparison

HONOR TO X MAS Flotilla!

the night between 18 and 19 December 1941 the Italian team put itself in the British fleet knee: Marceglia Schergat and sank the battleship "Queen Elizabeth", de la Penne and Bianchi flowed to the peak "Vailant" Martellotta Marino and hit the tanker "Sagona" and the hunt "Jarvis." There were no victims ... e. .. HONOR TO X MAS Flotilla!

anthem of the X MAS

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Huck In


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Shipping Container Blueprints

Provincial Board of the Students of Rome: Bs 4 councilors As 2 directors, 1 director Ls

Rome, November 26 - (Adnkronos) - In the elections for the Provincial Student of Rome, which took place this morning Itis Galilei Via Conte Verde, Block Student got 98 votes out of 351. Four directors are elected, while 28% of the total preferences, Block, said in a note, "is in fact almost 50 thousand of 170 thousand students enrolled in institutions of Rome and province." "Today is a historic day-Francis said the Poles, the national coordinator of the Student-Block. We have doubled the votes of two years ago and we have confirmed as the first student movement of capital. " "For the president to obtain due to the 169 votes cast, was the list 'Change Channels, formed by all members of the Left, the Democratic Party at UDS, the Young Communist League to the collective. Only 54 votes and 2 directors elected for the list 'our consultation, consisting of Student Action (PDL). Was last with 31 votes and an adviser to the list 'odd man out, seemingly apolitical but within which are actually living together student protests (Forza Nuova) and other far-right groups, "says Block. "Although the presidency has gone to the left, we will do everything to make them searchable by an ineffective and almost unknown in an institution capable of representing instances of student-ensures Zattini Alexander, candidate for President of the Block and New Student consigliere eletto – La grande affermazione del Blocco Studentesco è una forte risposta a chi ne auspicava il declino». «Noi da soli abbiamo raccolto più consensi di Azione Studentesca e di tutta l’estrema destra messi insieme. Se pensiamo che il risultato della sinistra va diviso per 5 o 6 movimenti diversi, la nostra affermazione assume ancora maggiore significato. Se qualcuno invece di ragionare esclusivamente per interessi di piccolo cabotaggio avesse accettato di collaborare con il Blocco Studentesco, forse oggi la sinistra antifascista non canterebbe vittoria», ha concluso Polacchi. Questo l’elenco dei risultati elettorali: – 98 voti Lista ‘Giovinezza al Poterè, Blocco Studentesco – 4 consiglieri - 54 votes List 'our consultation, Student Action - 2 Councillors - 30 votes List' odd man out, student protests and other far-right groups - 1 Councillor - 169 votes List 'change channels, Pd, Qty, Young Communist League, collectives, students Independent - 7 + advisers the president (zla / Pn / Adnkronos)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sample Prayers For Debuts


exactly six months after the death of Sergio Ramelli, when it seemed already to have reached the bottom of each aberration in the political violence, coming from a Roma ' other shocking news. E 'on the afternoon of October 29, 1975 when a group of boys is about to open, as every afternoon, the section Prenestino of MSI in via Erasmus Gattamelata. Chatting with his back to the road when a car arrives, a window is lowered, leaving the barrel of a gun that explodes cut a few quick shots, hitting in the middle of the group of guys. The deadly volley of buckshot Zicchieri Mario kills instantly, said "the Kremlin" for his physique thin, student-worker and injures 16 years Mario Lucchetti ... 15 anni.Così on the scene "politics" makes its appearance for the first time the shotgun to clear upward mafia and murderous cowardly strategy reminiscent of American gangster of the 30's. But the action (you will find out after fifteen years following the confessions of the Red Brigades Saws and Morucci) was desk study "to intimidate the activists of the right which, despite repeated attacks suffered, gave no sign of abating." Zicchieri is the youngest victim of absurd those years and still get the shivers thinking that he turned to the right only a few months, the emotional Mantakas.Per killing him there was no justice, as the majority of comrades killed. The perpetrators of the crime are still among us ...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cervical Mucus And No Period


A retired his 70 Grammichele (Catania) was bound, beaten and raped by two robbers in his house. Two Romanians were stopped by the police, they have confessed. The woman was hospitalized in shock and trauma in different parts of the body to the hospital in Caltagirone. The two were stopped for 29 years and Borgovan Vasile Nicolae Ghinea anni.Intorno to 22 midnight the two Romanians were going home the victim's belief that the house was empty. Perceiving that the woman was in bed, they would have attacked with kicks and punches and then tied up and raped. Then the two sabbero grabbed a few euro, gold and retired the car with which they fled. But the flight lasted a few hours. The woman is now hospitalized in the hospital in Caltagirone, where the doctors have considered curable in 45 days.

Adapted from Tgcom

Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Calculate The Hood In Cfm


I fall once, twice, a thousand times yet, but every time I raise up to return to the assault as a free man

Following Bologna massacre, the Sept. 23 1980 triggered repression against the militants of the extreme right and 500 staff undertaking searches of all gli appartenenti a Terza Posizione e all'arresto di alcuni di essi.
De Angelis colpito dal mandato di cattura (senza tuttavia essersi mai avvicinato ai
NAR cui verrà attribuita la responsabilità della strage) per alcuni giorni tenta di sfuggire. Il 3 ottobre Nanni assieme a Luigi Ciavardini , uno dei suoi inseparabili amici, si reca in piazza Barberini da un amico che avrebbe dovuto aiutarli a fuggire, ma che invece li "vendette" alla polizia. Nanni, scambiato per Ciavardini, viene massacrato di botte dagli agenti che vogliono vendicare la morte Franco Evangelista fellow high school Giulio Cesare. Hit him in the head with their pistols, then handcuffed him to a lamppost and stun kick. Upon arrival at the police station handcuffed to a chair and continue to bang his head against the wall. They take him to San Giovanni in absolute confusion. [ citation ] From there he moved to the prison Rebibbia and placed in solitary confinement. Twenty minutes later found hanged with a sheet. It was October 5, 1980. His brother Marcello De Angelis later will dedicate a song. The official spoke of suicide. But many wonder how he managed to hang himself, if you do not stand on his feet after the beatings suffered. [ citation ]
is involved in the investigation of the massacre in Bologna
as perpetrator in 1986 (six years after his death) from Angelo Izzo and Raffaella Furiozzi . The statements of both are completely false. The first, Angelo Izzo, would have collected these confidences in custody for the Circeo Massacre, involving more than Valerio Fioravanti , Francesca Mambro and Louis Ciavardini . The second, Raffaella Furiozzi, reported to have obtained secrets from your boyfriend Diego Maccio ', who died in a shootout with police. The PM of Bologna Free Mancuso gave credence to confessions of Angelo Izzo, however, for slanders and De Angelis Taddeini were to fall thanks to the passion of both suspects for football.
Nanni De Angelis is exonerated by the fact that filming of the movie while the RAI
August 2 1980 is in the field for final national football to Castel Giorgio with Massimiliano Taddeini, another accused him on Bologna massacre .

sources: wikipedia

Friday, September 25, 2009

Office 2003 Install From Usb

Student: Action against high price of books in 40 cities Croatia

Rome, September 24 Today in Rome and other Italian cities 40, Block Student has made a protest against the expensive books. In front of hundreds of high schools have been placed bags of jute, which was printed the image of U.S. dollars surrounded by the names of the major publishing houses that produce textbooks. In Rome, the action involved più di 50 istituti, compresi licei storici come il Visconti, il Cavour e il Tasso. "Nonostante le promesse del ministro Gelmini, le famiglie italiane continuano a pagare cifre insostenibili per l'acquisto dei libri di testo. La spesa per ogni studente supera in media i 500 euro, senza contare che un istituto su due sfora il tetto di spesa imposto dal Ministero", spiega Francesco Polacchi, responsabile nazionale del Blocco Studentesco. "Il Ministro dell'Istruzione - prosegue Polacchi - non ha preso nessun provvedimento serio per contrastare questo problema, limitandosi a 'consigliare' alle case editrici di non cambiare edizione e di non aumentare i prezzi per 5 anni. Misure assolutamente insufficienti e inefficaci". "Il Blocco Studentesco - conclude Polacchi - Continues his fight for the adoption of a single textbook for each subject at the regional level (different subjects depending on the school). We also call for the creation of a specific monitoring body to supervise the activities and the profits of publishing houses.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dreambox Dm800 Hard Disk

The Italian flag hoisted in the police spoke River

irredentist written with an Italian flag was raised on Saturday night by unknown assailants in one of the central squares of the Croatian city of Rijeka (Fiume), northern Adriatic Sea. The news was the Croatian state television HRT, which ha dedicato al fatto l’apertura dell’edizione serale del telegiornale. Dopo la segnalazione di alcuni passanti la polizia locale ha provveduto a togliere il tricolore italiano sul quale, tra l’altro, era stato scritto: «Torneremo in Istria, a Fiume e in Dalmazia». Nelle vicinanze sono stati trovati dei volantini con la scritta: «Viva Fiume italiana!» Si suppone che con questo atto eclatante qualcuno abbia voluto commemorare il 90° anniversario dell’occupazione della città delle truppe di Gabriele D’Annunzio. Era infatti il 12 settembre 1919 quando la legione degli “Arditi“, 2500 nazionalisti ed ex combattenti italiani guidati dal celebre poeta, occupò la città e proclamò la Italian Regency of Carnaro subsequently annexed by the Kingdom of Italy. The representative of the Italian national minority in the Croatian parliament, Furio Radin, has expressed its condemnation of the act calling it "a direct provocation against Croatia, but also against Italy and good neighborly relations between the two friendly countries." The same broadcaster HRT reported that the police opened an investigation.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Samsung Ml-1610 Toner Save

September 8, 1943 Special

we deny the enemy the honor of having invaded our GLUE HOME VICTORY OF ITS WEAPONS: ONLY THE BETRAYAL THE VILE has opened its doors

Vergoni HOURS!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Toasters Jehovah's Witnesses

CasaPound Avellino. Episode Zero

here is a summary of our first episode televisiva.La TORTUGA full version will be broadcast on TV.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pap Smear Interpretation

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini GREETINGS!

July 29, 1883 was born a man sent by divine providence!

A man who made history in ITALY who in 20 years of fascism has created:

①. Disability insurance and old age, RD Dec. 30, 1923, No 3184

②. Unemployment Insurance, RD 30 December 1926 No 3158

③. Hospital care to the poor RD No 30 December 1923 2841

④. Worker protection of women and children April 26, 1923 RD No 653

⑤. Opera National Maternity and Childhood (ONMI) RD 10 December 1925 No 2277

⑥. Support illegitimate and abandoned or exposed, RD May 8, 1925, No 798

⑦. Support mandatory TB, RD October 27, 1927 No 2055

⑧. Tax exemption for large families and RD May 14, 1928 No 1312

⑨. Compulsory insurance against occupational diseases, RD May 13, 1928 No 928

⑩. Opera national war orphans, RD26 July 1929 n.1397

11. National Social Security Institute (INPS), RD No. 4 October 1935 1827

12. Working week of 40 hours, RD May 29, 1937 n.1768

13. National Institute for lAssicurazione against Accidents at Work (INAIL), RD March 23, 1933, No 264

14. Establishment of trade unionism with the Union of the full union representatives of employers and job

15. Municipal Assistance Agency (ECA), RD 3 June 1937, No 81716. Family allowances, RD

June 17, 1937, No 104817. INAM (Institute for Technical Assistance to the sick workers), RD January 11, 1943, n.138

18. Istituto Autonomo Case Popular

19. National Institute houses state employees

20. Gentile reform of schools May 1923 (lultima was 1859)

21. OND (in 1935 it had 771 cinemas, theaters, 1227, 2066 dramatic societies, orchestras, 2130, 3787 bands,

22. War on the Mafia and Freemasonry (see the Iron Prefect Cesare Mori)

23. Charter of the work of Giuseppe Bottai April 21, 1927

24. Fighting lanalfabetismo we were among the first in Europe, but from 1923 to 1936 we have gone from 3,981,000 to 5,187,000 alafabeti

25. He founded the "Center for the completion of alunni26. Leduc instituted compulsory school physical
27. Abolizione della schiavitù in Etiopia

28. Lotta contro la malaria

29. Colonie marine, montane e solari

30. Refezione scolastica

31. Obbligo scolastico fino ai 14 anni

32. Scuole professionali33. Magistratura del Lavoro

34. Carta della Scuola

35. Bonifiche paludi Pontino

36. Parchi nazionali del Gran Paradiso, dello Stelvio, dellAbruzzo e del Circeo

37. Centrali Idroelettriche ed elettrificazione Railway lines

38. Rome: Viale della Conciliazione

39. Project of the Rome Metro

40. Landscape protection and hydrological

41. Electric lighting system in the cities

42. Draining of Lake Nemi (1931) to unearth Roman ships

43. Creation of the observers of Trieste, Genoa, Merate, Brera, Campo Imperatore

44. Palace of Social Security in each provincial capital

45. Foundation of 16 new provinces

46. Creation of the Stadio dei Marmi (opposite the stadium is still a huge obelisk with written Mussolini Dux)

47. Creating neighborhood dellEUR

48. Creation of the Empire style of architecture, still visible in the public buildings of the largest cities

50. Construction of numerous dams

51. He founded the research listituto

52. Construction of many universities including the University of Rome City

53. Opening of Milan Central Station in 1931 and the train station Santa Maria Novella in Florence

54. Construction of the Farnesina Palace in Rome, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

55.Opere performed in Ethiopia: 78/7781/ciavekjacg8.png

56. Development aeronautical, naval, shipbuilding

57. Lateran Treaty, 11/02/1929

58. People's Court

59. Special Court

60. He issued the Criminal Code (1930), the Code of Criminal Procedure (1933, replaced nel 1989),

e non solo!!!