anthem of the X MAS
anthem of the X MAS
Following Bologna massacre, the Sept. 23 1980 triggered repression against the militants of the extreme right and 500 staff undertaking searches of all gli appartenenti a Terza Posizione e all'arresto di alcuni di essi.
De Angelis colpito dal mandato di cattura (senza tuttavia essersi mai avvicinato ai NAR cui verrà attribuita la responsabilità della strage) per alcuni giorni tenta di sfuggire. Il 3 ottobre Nanni assieme a Luigi Ciavardini , uno dei suoi inseparabili amici, si reca in piazza Barberini da un amico che avrebbe dovuto aiutarli a fuggire, ma che invece li "vendette" alla polizia. Nanni, scambiato per Ciavardini, viene massacrato di botte dagli agenti che vogliono vendicare la morte Franco Evangelista fellow high school Giulio Cesare. Hit him in the head with their pistols, then handcuffed him to a lamppost and stun kick. Upon arrival at the police station handcuffed to a chair and continue to bang his head against the wall. They take him to San Giovanni in absolute confusion. [ citation ] From there he moved to the prison Rebibbia and placed in solitary confinement. Twenty minutes later found hanged with a sheet. It was October 5, 1980. His brother Marcello De Angelis later will dedicate a song. The official spoke of suicide. But many wonder how he managed to hang himself, if you do not stand on his feet after the beatings suffered. [ citation ]
is involved in the investigation of the massacre in Bologna as perpetrator in 1986 (six years after his death) from Angelo Izzo and Raffaella Furiozzi . The statements of both are completely false. The first, Angelo Izzo, would have collected these confidences in custody for the Circeo Massacre, involving more than Valerio Fioravanti , Francesca Mambro and Louis Ciavardini . The second, Raffaella Furiozzi, reported to have obtained secrets from your boyfriend Diego Maccio ', who died in a shootout with police. The PM of Bologna Free Mancuso gave credence to confessions of Angelo Izzo, however, for slanders and De Angelis Taddeini were to fall thanks to the passion of both suspects for football.
Nanni De Angelis is exonerated by the fact that filming of the movie while the RAI August 2 1980 is in the field for final national football to Castel Giorgio with Massimiliano Taddeini, another accused him on Bologna massacre .
sources: wikipedia